Commit e637a895 authored by ben's avatar ben

Added --null-separator, tweaked increment error handling

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 5ff84f45
New in v0.8.0 (2002/06/06)
Fixed 'size' bug that occurred on some non-Linux systems. Thanks to
Robert Weber for the report.
Added --null-separator argument so filenames can safely include
newlines in an include/exclude filelist.
New in v0.7.6 (2002/05/31)
......@@ -187,6 +187,13 @@ are present, this option can drastically decrease memory usage.
Do not resume last aborted backup even if it falls within the resume
.B --null-separator
Use nulls (\\0) instead of newlines (\\n) as line separators, which
may help when dealing with filenames containing newlines. This
affects the expected format of the files specified by the
--{include|exclude}-filelist[-stdin] switches as well as the format of
the directory_statistics file.
.BI "-r, --restore-as-of " restore_time
Restore the specified directory as it was as of
.IR restore_time .
......@@ -651,8 +658,10 @@ and
.B --exclude-filelist-stdin
options also introduce file selection conditions. They direct
rdiff-backup to read in a file, each line of which is a file
specification, and to include or exclude the matching files. The
lines in a filelist are interpreted similarly to the way
specification, and to include or exclude the matching files. Lines
are separated by newlines or nulls, depending on whether the
--null-separator switch was given. Each line in a filelist is
interpreted similarly to the way
.I extended shell patterns
are, with a few exceptions:
......@@ -731,11 +740,6 @@ rdiff-backup uses the shell command
to backup device files (e.g. /dev/ttyS0), so device files won't be
handled correctly on systems with non-standard mknod syntax.
When an rdiff-backup session fails (for instance if a remote
connection is lost), rdiff-backup tries to save the session so it can
be resumed later. Apparently sometimes, depending on how the
rdiff-backup session fails, later sessions cannot be resumed properly.
Files whose names are close to the maximum length (e.g. 235 chars if
the maximum is 255) may be skipped because the filenames of related
increment files would be too long.
......@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ class IncrementITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR):
# Write updated mirror to temp file so we can compute
# reverse diff locally
mirror_tf =
old_dsrp_tf =
def init_thunk():
if diff_rorp.isflaglinked():
Hardlink.link_rp(diff_rorp, mirror_tf, dsrp)
......@@ -226,8 +227,16 @@ class IncrementITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR):
self.incrp = Inc.Increment_action(mirror_tf, dsrp,
def final(init_val): mirror_tf.rename(dsrp)
def error(exc, ran_init, init_val): mirror_tf.delete()
if dsrp.lstat(): RPathStatic.rename(dsrp, old_dsrp_tf)
def final(init_val): old_dsrp_tf.delete()
def error(exc, ran_init, init_val):
if ran_init: old_dsrp_tf.delete() # everything is fine
else: # restore to previous state
if old_dsrp_tf.lstat(): old_dsrp_tf.rename(dsrp)
if self.incrp: self.incrp.delete()
RobustAction(init_thunk, final, error).execute()
else: self.incrp = Robust.chain(
Inc.Increment_action(diff_rorp, dsrp, incpref),
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class Iter:
return None
try: i2 =
except StopIteration: return 1
if verbose: print "End when i2 = %s" % i2
if verbose: print "End when i2 = %s" % (i2,)
return None
def Or(iter):
......@@ -281,19 +281,25 @@ probably isn't what you meant.""" %
def filelist_read(self, filelist_fp, include, filelist_name):
"""Read filelist from fp, return (tuplelist, something_excluded)"""
prefix_warnings = [0]
def incr_warnings(exc):
"""Warn if prefix is incorrect"""
prefix_warnings[0] += 1
if prefix_warnings[0] < 6:
Log("Warning: file specification '%s' in filelist %s\n"
"doesn't start with correct prefix %s. Ignoring." %
(exc, filelist_name, self.prefix), 2)
if prefix_warnings[0] == 5:
Log("Future prefix errors will not be logged.", 2)
something_excluded, tuple_list = None, []
prefix_warnings = 0
for line in filelist_fp:
if not line.strip(): continue # skip blanks
separator = Globals.null_separator and "\0" or "\n"
for line in
if not line: continue # skip blanks
try: tuple = self.filelist_parse_line(line, include)
except FilePrefixError, exc:
prefix_warnings += 1
if prefix_warnings < 6:
Log("Warning: file specification %s in filelist %s\n"
"doesn't start with correct prefix %s, ignoring." %
(exc, filelist_name, self.prefix), 2)
if prefix_warnings == 5:
Log("Future prefix errors will not be logged.", 2)
if not tuple[1]: something_excluded = 1
if filelist_fp.close():
......@@ -56,15 +56,17 @@ class StatsObj:
"""Add 1 to value of attribute"""
self.__dict__[attr] = self.get_stat(attr) + 1
def get_stats_line(self, index):
def get_stats_line(self, index, use_repr = 1):
"""Return one line abbreviated version of full stats string"""
file_attrs = map(lambda attr: str(self.get_stat(attr)),
if not index: filename = "."
# use repr to quote newlines in relative filename, then
# take of leading and trailing quote.
filename = repr(apply(os.path.join, index))[1:-1]
filename = apply(os.path.join, index)
if use_repr:
# use repr to quote newlines in relative filename, then
# take of leading and trailing quote.
filename = repr(filename)[1:-1]
return " ".join([filename,] + file_attrs)
def set_stats_from_line(self, line):
......@@ -227,39 +229,45 @@ class StatsITR(IterTreeReducer, StatsObj):
if mirror_dsrp.lstat():
self.mirror_base_exists = 1
self.mirror_base_size = mirror_dsrp.getsize()
self.mirror_base_size = self.stats_getsize(mirror_dsrp)
else: self.mirror_base_exists = None
def stats_getsize(self, rp):
"""Return size of rp, with error checking"""
try: return rp.getsize()
except KeyError: return 0
def end_stats(self, diff_rorp, mirror_dsrp, inc_rp = None):
"""Set various statistics after mirror processed"""
if mirror_dsrp.lstat():
source_size = self.stats_getsize(mirror_dsrp)
self.SourceFiles += 1
self.SourceFileSize += mirror_dsrp.getsize()
self.SourceFileSize += source_size
if self.mirror_base_exists:
self.MirrorFiles += 1
self.MirrorFileSize += self.mirror_base_size
if diff_rorp: # otherwise no change
self.ChangedFiles += 1
self.ChangedSourceSize += mirror_dsrp.getsize()
self.ChangedSourceSize += source_size
self.ChangedMirrorSize += self.mirror_base_size
if inc_rp:
self.IncrementFiles += 1
self.IncrementFileSize += inc_rp.getsize()
else: # new file was created
self.NewFiles += 1
self.NewFileSize += mirror_dsrp.getsize()
if inc_rp:
self.IncrementFiles += 1
self.IncrementFileSize += inc_rp.getsize()
self.NewFileSize += source_size
if self.mirror_base_exists: # file was deleted from mirror
self.MirrorFiles += 1
self.MirrorFileSize += self.mirror_base_size
self.DeletedFiles += 1
self.DeletedFileSize += self.mirror_base_size
if inc_rp:
self.IncrementFiles += 1
self.IncrementFileSize += inc_rp.getsize()
def stats_incr_incfiles(self, inc_rp):
"""Increment IncrementFile statistics"""
if inc_rp:
self.IncrementFiles += 1
self.IncrementFileSize += self.stats_getsize(inc_rp)
def add_file_stats(self, subinstance):
"""Add all file statistics from subinstance to current totals"""
......@@ -304,7 +312,9 @@ class Stats:
def write_dir_stats_line(cls, statobj, index):
"""Write info from statobj about rpath to statistics file"""
cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index) +"\n")
if Globals.null_separator:
cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index, None) + "\0")
else: cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index) + "\n")
def close_dir_stats_file(cls):
"""Close directory statistics file if its open"""
......@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@ class Globals:
no_compression_regexp = None
# If true, filelists and directory statistics will be split on
# nulls instead of newlines.
null_separator = None
# Determines whether or not ssh will be run with the -C switch
ssh_compression = 1
......@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ class IncrementITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR):
# Write updated mirror to temp file so we can compute
# reverse diff locally
mirror_tf =
old_dsrp_tf =
def init_thunk():
if diff_rorp.isflaglinked():
Hardlink.link_rp(diff_rorp, mirror_tf, dsrp)
......@@ -226,8 +227,16 @@ class IncrementITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR):
self.incrp = Inc.Increment_action(mirror_tf, dsrp,
def final(init_val): mirror_tf.rename(dsrp)
def error(exc, ran_init, init_val): mirror_tf.delete()
if dsrp.lstat(): RPathStatic.rename(dsrp, old_dsrp_tf)
def final(init_val): old_dsrp_tf.delete()
def error(exc, ran_init, init_val):
if ran_init: old_dsrp_tf.delete() # everything is fine
else: # restore to previous state
if old_dsrp_tf.lstat(): old_dsrp_tf.rename(dsrp)
if self.incrp: self.incrp.delete()
RobustAction(init_thunk, final, error).execute()
else: self.incrp = Robust.chain(
Inc.Increment_action(diff_rorp, dsrp, incpref),
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class Iter:
return None
try: i2 =
except StopIteration: return 1
if verbose: print "End when i2 = %s" % i2
if verbose: print "End when i2 = %s" % (i2,)
return None
def Or(iter):
......@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ class Main:
"include-filelist=", "include-filelist-stdin",
"include-regexp=", "list-increments", "mirror-only",
"no-compression", "no-compression-regexp=",
"no-hard-links", "no-resume", "parsable-output",
"print-statistics", "quoting-char=", "remote-cmd=",
"remote-schema=", "remove-older-than=",
"no-hard-links", "no-resume", "null-separator",
"parsable-output", "print-statistics", "quoting-char=",
"remote-cmd=", "remote-schema=", "remove-older-than=",
"restore-as-of=", "resume", "resume-window=", "server",
"ssh-no-compression", "terminal-verbosity=",
"test-server", "verbosity", "version", "windows-mode",
......@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ class Main:
Globals.set("no_compression_regexp_string", arg)
elif opt == "--no-hard-links": Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', 0)
elif opt == '--no-resume': Globals.resume = 0
elif opt == "--null-separator": Globals.set("null_separator", 1)
elif opt == "-r" or opt == "--restore-as-of":
self.restore_timestr = arg
self.action = "restore-as-of"
......@@ -281,19 +281,25 @@ probably isn't what you meant.""" %
def filelist_read(self, filelist_fp, include, filelist_name):
"""Read filelist from fp, return (tuplelist, something_excluded)"""
prefix_warnings = [0]
def incr_warnings(exc):
"""Warn if prefix is incorrect"""
prefix_warnings[0] += 1
if prefix_warnings[0] < 6:
Log("Warning: file specification '%s' in filelist %s\n"
"doesn't start with correct prefix %s. Ignoring." %
(exc, filelist_name, self.prefix), 2)
if prefix_warnings[0] == 5:
Log("Future prefix errors will not be logged.", 2)
something_excluded, tuple_list = None, []
prefix_warnings = 0
for line in filelist_fp:
if not line.strip(): continue # skip blanks
separator = Globals.null_separator and "\0" or "\n"
for line in
if not line: continue # skip blanks
try: tuple = self.filelist_parse_line(line, include)
except FilePrefixError, exc:
prefix_warnings += 1
if prefix_warnings < 6:
Log("Warning: file specification %s in filelist %s\n"
"doesn't start with correct prefix %s, ignoring." %
(exc, filelist_name, self.prefix), 2)
if prefix_warnings == 5:
Log("Future prefix errors will not be logged.", 2)
if not tuple[1]: something_excluded = 1
if filelist_fp.close():
......@@ -56,15 +56,17 @@ class StatsObj:
"""Add 1 to value of attribute"""
self.__dict__[attr] = self.get_stat(attr) + 1
def get_stats_line(self, index):
def get_stats_line(self, index, use_repr = 1):
"""Return one line abbreviated version of full stats string"""
file_attrs = map(lambda attr: str(self.get_stat(attr)),
if not index: filename = "."
# use repr to quote newlines in relative filename, then
# take of leading and trailing quote.
filename = repr(apply(os.path.join, index))[1:-1]
filename = apply(os.path.join, index)
if use_repr:
# use repr to quote newlines in relative filename, then
# take of leading and trailing quote.
filename = repr(filename)[1:-1]
return " ".join([filename,] + file_attrs)
def set_stats_from_line(self, line):
......@@ -227,39 +229,45 @@ class StatsITR(IterTreeReducer, StatsObj):
if mirror_dsrp.lstat():
self.mirror_base_exists = 1
self.mirror_base_size = mirror_dsrp.getsize()
self.mirror_base_size = self.stats_getsize(mirror_dsrp)
else: self.mirror_base_exists = None
def stats_getsize(self, rp):
"""Return size of rp, with error checking"""
try: return rp.getsize()
except KeyError: return 0
def end_stats(self, diff_rorp, mirror_dsrp, inc_rp = None):
"""Set various statistics after mirror processed"""
if mirror_dsrp.lstat():
source_size = self.stats_getsize(mirror_dsrp)
self.SourceFiles += 1
self.SourceFileSize += mirror_dsrp.getsize()
self.SourceFileSize += source_size
if self.mirror_base_exists:
self.MirrorFiles += 1
self.MirrorFileSize += self.mirror_base_size
if diff_rorp: # otherwise no change
self.ChangedFiles += 1
self.ChangedSourceSize += mirror_dsrp.getsize()
self.ChangedSourceSize += source_size
self.ChangedMirrorSize += self.mirror_base_size
if inc_rp:
self.IncrementFiles += 1
self.IncrementFileSize += inc_rp.getsize()
else: # new file was created
self.NewFiles += 1
self.NewFileSize += mirror_dsrp.getsize()
if inc_rp:
self.IncrementFiles += 1
self.IncrementFileSize += inc_rp.getsize()
self.NewFileSize += source_size
if self.mirror_base_exists: # file was deleted from mirror
self.MirrorFiles += 1
self.MirrorFileSize += self.mirror_base_size
self.DeletedFiles += 1
self.DeletedFileSize += self.mirror_base_size
if inc_rp:
self.IncrementFiles += 1
self.IncrementFileSize += inc_rp.getsize()
def stats_incr_incfiles(self, inc_rp):
"""Increment IncrementFile statistics"""
if inc_rp:
self.IncrementFiles += 1
self.IncrementFileSize += self.stats_getsize(inc_rp)
def add_file_stats(self, subinstance):
"""Add all file statistics from subinstance to current totals"""
......@@ -304,7 +312,9 @@ class Stats:
def write_dir_stats_line(cls, statobj, index):
"""Write info from statobj about rpath to statistics file"""
cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index) +"\n")
if Globals.null_separator:
cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index, None) + "\0")
else: cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index) + "\n")
def close_dir_stats_file(cls):
"""Close directory statistics file if its open"""
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ testfiles
Globals.set('change_source_perms', 1)
Globals.counter = 0
class Local:
"""This is just a place to put increments relative to the local
......@@ -90,11 +90,29 @@ testfiles/select/3/3/2""")
assert sf(self.makeext("3/3")) == 1
assert sf(self.makeext("3/3/3")) == None
def testFilelistIncludeNullSep(self):
"""Test included filelist but with null_separator set"""
fp = StringIO.StringIO("""\0testfiles/select/1/2\0testfiles/select/1\0testfiles/select/1/2/3\0testfiles/select/3/3/2\0testfiles/select/hello\nthere\0""")
Globals.null_separator = 1
sf = self.Select.filelist_get_sf(fp, 1, "test")
assert sf(self.root) == 1
assert sf(self.makeext("1")) == 1
assert sf(self.makeext("1/1")) == None
assert sf(self.makeext("1/2/3")) == 1
assert sf(self.makeext("2/2")) == None
assert sf(self.makeext("3")) == 1
assert sf(self.makeext("3/3")) == 1
assert sf(self.makeext("3/3/3")) == None
assert sf(self.makeext("hello\nthere")) == 1
Globals.null_separator = 1
def testFilelistExclude(self):
"""Test included filelist"""
fp = StringIO.StringIO("""
this is a badly formed line which should be ignored
sf = self.Select.filelist_get_sf(fp, 0, "test")
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