Commit fc5dcaf4 authored by bescoto's avatar bescoto

Write PID to current mirror marker

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent b945bb15
......@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ gets deleted.)
Librsync signature blocksize now based on square root of file length.
rdiff-backup now writes its PID to current_mirror marker (suggested by
Kevin Spicer).
New in v1.0.0 (2005/08/14)
Test change to see if CVS notification is working!
Change --exclude options with restore so excluded directories aren't
deleted. (Oliver Kaltenecker)
Check support/bug reports on Savannah occasionally.
Consider adding --datadir option (Jean-Sébastien GOETSCHY)
write test case for --calculate-statistics
Use ctime to check whether files have been changed. See message:
by Andrew Bressen.
Profile 0.13.x
Examine regress handling of acls/eas/resource forks.
Look into that strange regress error July 22nd on
Write PID of process to current_mirror file.
---------[ Medium term ]---------------------------------------
......@@ -453,8 +453,10 @@ def backup_touch_curmirror_local(rpin, rpout):
mirrorrp = Globals.rbdir.append("current_mirror.%s.%s" % (Time.curtimestr,
Log("Touching mirror marker %s" % mirrorrp.path, 6)
Log("Writing mirror marker %s" % mirrorrp.path, 6)
try: pid = os.getpid()
except: pid = "NA"
mirrorrp.write_string("PID %s\n" % (pid,))
def backup_remove_curmirror_local():
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