Commit 780af6a6 authored by Marius Gedminas's avatar Marius Gedminas

Remove deprecation warning suppression

Now the deprecation warning itself is fixed, we no longer need to
suppress it to have the tests pass.
parent 2cf42066
......@@ -132,18 +132,6 @@ def system(command, input='', with_exit_code=False):
env = dict(os.environ, TERM='dumb')
# Beginning in Python 3.4, 'U' mode to open() is deprecated.
# Python 3.7 changes the way deprecations are shown for main
# modules, and introduces $PYTHONDEVMODE which turns on warnigs in
# more places. If that's done, this leads many of our doctests to
# break; some code path through executing does this, but
# it's not in our code. Unfortunately, normalizing this printed
# line away doesn't work, it just produces a blank line. We resort
# to turning that warning off.
warnings = env.get('PYTHONWARNINGS', '')
env['PYTHONWARNINGS'] = "ignore:'U' mode is deprecated:DeprecationWarning::," + warnings
p = subprocess.Popen(command,
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