Commit 9c0f745e authored by Gary Poster's avatar Gary Poster

merge from buildout trunk

parents 0e70f73c 4c912de9
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import pkg_resources
import re
import shutil
import sys
import socket
import tempfile
import UserDict
import zc.buildout
......@@ -133,6 +134,17 @@ _buildout_default_options = _annotate_section({
'use-dependency-links': 'true',
DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
def _setup_socket_timeout(timeout_string):
timeout = int(timeout_string)
except ValueError:
_error("Timeout value must be numeric [%s]." % timeout_string)
current_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
if current_timeout <> timeout:
class Buildout(UserDict.DictMixin):
......@@ -261,7 +273,7 @@ class Buildout(UserDict.DictMixin):
offline = options['offline']
if offline not in ('true', 'false'):
......@@ -787,18 +799,11 @@ class Buildout(UserDict.DictMixin):
def _error(self, message, *args):
raise zc.buildout.UserError(message % args)
def _setup_socket_timeout(self):
timeout = self['buildout']['socket-timeout']
if timeout <> '':
timeout = int(timeout)
import socket'Setting socket time out to %d seconds.', timeout)
except ValueError:
self._logger.warning("Default socket timeout is used !\n"
"Value in configuration is not numeric: [%s].\n",
def _display_socket_timeout(self):
current_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
if current_timeout <> DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT:
info_msg = 'Socket timeout is set to %d seconds.' % current_timeout
def _setup_logging(self):
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
......@@ -1377,13 +1382,18 @@ def _open(base, filename, seen, dl_options, override):
extends = extended_by = None
socket_timeout = None
for section in parser.sections():
options = dict(parser.items(section))
if section == 'buildout':
extends = options.pop('extends', extends)
extended_by = options.pop('extended-by', extended_by)
socket_timeout = options.pop('socket-timeout', socket_timeout)
result[section] = options
if socket_timeout is not None:
result = _annotate(result, filename)
if root_config_file and 'buildout' in result:
......@@ -1677,12 +1687,10 @@ def main(args=None):
elif op_ == 't':
timeout_string = args.pop(0)
timeout = int(timeout_string)
options.append(('buildout', 'socket-timeout', timeout_string))
except IndexError:
_error("No timeout value specified for option", orig_op)
except ValueError:
_error("Timeout value must be numeric", orig_op)
_error("No timeout value specified for option t", orig_op)
elif op:
if orig_op == '--help':
......@@ -1535,15 +1535,14 @@ configured in the buildout section. Its value is configured in seconds.
... """)
>>> print system(buildout),
Setting socket time out to 5 seconds.
Socket timeout is set to 5 seconds.
Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
Uninstalling debug.
Installing debug.
op timeout
recipe recipes:debug
If the socket-timeout is not numeric, a warning is issued and the default
timeout of the Python socket module is used.
If socket-timeout is not numeric, an error message is issued.
>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
......@@ -1558,13 +1557,7 @@ timeout of the Python socket module is used.
... """)
>>> print system(buildout),
Default socket timeout is used !
Value in configuration is not numeric: [5s].
Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
Updating debug.
op timeout
recipe recipes:debug
Error: Timeout value must be numeric [5s].
Uninstall recipes
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