Commit 18417940 authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier

slapos_web_deploy: support Linux Mint 21

parent 5db9750d
Pipeline #26387 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ fi
# Warn users who aren't on an explicitly supported distro, but allow them to
# override check and attempt installation with ``export FORCE=yes``
if [[ ! ${DISTRO} =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|xenial|bionic|focal|jammy|Kylin-v10.|rhel7) ]]; then
if [[ ! ${DISTRO} =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|xenial|bionic|focal|jammy|Kylin-v10.|rhel7|Linuxmint-21.1) ]]; then
echo "WARNING: this script has not been tested on $DISTRO"
if [[ "$FORCE" != "yes" ]]; then
die $LINENO "If you wish to run this script anyway run with FORCE=yes"
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ function GetOSVersion {
os_RELEASE=$(lsb_release -r -s)
if [[ "Debian,Ubuntu,LinuxMint,Raspbian,Kylin" =~ $os_VENDOR ]]; then
if [[ "Debian,Ubuntu,LinuxMint,Linuxmint,Raspbian,Kylin" =~ $os_VENDOR ]]; then
elif [[ "SUSE LINUX" =~ $os_VENDOR ]]; then
lsb_release -d -s | grep -q openSUSE
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