Commit 1f154212 authored by Tomáš Peterka's avatar Tomáš Peterka

Update readme accordingly

parent 093fb2ea
slapformat is an application to prepare SlapOS ready node (machine).
slapformat is an application to prepare SlapOS-ready node to be used inside SlapGrid Cloud.
It "formats" the machine by:
- creating users and groups
- creating bridge interface
- creating needed tap interfaces
- creating TUN interfaces
- creating needed directories with proper ownership and permissions
In the end special report is generated and information are posted to
configured SlapOS server.
It reads configuration from /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg and formats computer
accordingly. The variables are number of partitions, IP addresses, storages
and network interfaces.
Format uploads a into configured SlapOS Master server.
Format dumps allocated resources for the partition into a JSON file per
partition ~/.slapos-resource. This file contains network interfaces,
IP address ranges and port ranges. The resource constraints can be
recursively folded.
This program shall be only run by root.
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