Commit 4be85d1a authored by Cédric Le Ninivin's avatar Cédric Le Ninivin Committed by Cédric Le Ninivin

slapos_cloud: implement asJSONText for software instance

parent 7e204599
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
from erp5.component.document.Item import Item
from erp5.component.document.JSONType import JSONType
import json
from lxml import etree
import collections
......@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ class SoftwareInstance(Item, JSONType):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
compute_partition = self.getAggregateValue(portal_type="Compute Partition")
if compute_partition is None:
raise ValueError("Instance isn't allocated to call _asParamterDict")
raise ValueError("Instance isn't allocated to call _asParameterDict")
timestamp = int(compute_partition.getModificationDate())
newtimestamp = int(self.getBangTimestamp(int(self.getModificationDate())))
......@@ -311,7 +312,35 @@ class SoftwareInstance(Item, JSONType):
def asJSONText(self):
return self.getJsonContent()
parameter_dict = self._asParameterDict()
except ValueError:
parameter_dict = {}
requested_state = self.getSlapState()
if requested_state == "stop_requested":
state = 'stopped'
elif requested_state == "start_requested":
state = 'started'
elif requested_state == "destroy_requested":
state = 'destroyed'
raise ValueError("Unknown slap state : %s" % requested_state)
# software instance has to define an xml parameter
result = {
"$schema": self.getPortalObject().portal_types.restrictedTraverse(self.getPortalType()).absolute_url()
+ "/getTextContent",
"reference": self.getReference().decode("UTF-8"),
"title": self.getTitle().decode("UTF-8"),
"connection_parameters": self.getConnectionXmlAsDict(),
"parameters": self.getInstanceXmlAsDict(),
"node": self.getSlaXmlAsDict(),
"state": state,
"id": self.getRelativeUrl(),
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'fromJSONText')
def fromJSONText(self, json_content):
......@@ -57,6 +57,114 @@
<key> <string>text_content</string> </key>
<value> <string>{\n
"$schema": "",\n
"$id": "software-instance-base-schema.json",\n
"title": "Software Instance",\n
"description": "Software Instance",\n
"type": "object",\n
"properties": {\n
"$schema": {\n
"title": "Schema URL",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "URL of the response schema"\n
"title": {\n
"title": "Title",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Unique Name of the Software Instance",\n
"maxLength": 200\n
"reference": {\n
"title": "Software Instance Reference",\n
"description": "Unique identifier of the Software Instance",\n
"type": "string",\n
"maxLength": 50\n
"software_release_uri": {\n
"title": "Software Release URI",\n
"type": "string"\n
"software_type": {\n
"title": "Software Type",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Software type to be requested"\n
"state": {\n
"title": "Requested State",\n
"type": "string",\n
"enum": ["started", "stopped", "destroyed"],\n
"description": "State of the requested instance"\n
"connection_parameters": {\n
"title": "Connections Parameters",\n
"type": "object",\n
"additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }\n
"parameters": {\n
"title": "Instance Parameters",\n
"type": "object",\n
"additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }\n
"shared": {\n
"title": "Shared Instance",\n
"type": "boolean",\n
"description": "Ask for a Shared Instance"\n
"sla_parameters": {\n
"title": "Target Node Selection Parameters",\n
"type": "object",\n
"description": "Also known as SLA parameters. Used to pick where an how the instance is to be deployed",\n
"properties": {\n
"computer_guid": {\n
"title": "Requested Compute Node",\n
"descritpion": "Requested Compute Node Reference, like COMP-1234",\n
"type": "string"\n
"project_guid": {\n
"title": "Requested Project",\n
"descritpion": "Requested Project Reference",\n
"type": "string"\n
"instance_guid": {\n
"title": "Requested Host Instance",\n
"descritpion": "Only applicable to shared instance. Requested Host Instance Reference, like SOFTINST-1234",\n
"type": "string"\n
"network_guid": {\n
"title": "Requested Network",\n
"descritpion": "Requested Network Reference",\n
"type": "string"\n
"additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }\n
"compute_node_id": {\n
"title": "Compute Node Id",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Id Of the Requesting Compute Node, used by Slap Client when an instance is requesting an instance"\n
"compute_partition_id": {\n
"title": "Compute Partition Id",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Id Of the Requesting Compute Partition, used by Slap Client when an instance is requesting an instance"\n
"portal_type": {\n
"title": "Portal Type",\n
"const": "Software Instance",\n
"type": "string"\n
"id": {\n
"title": "ID",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Unique Id of the object. It is not editable."\n
</string> </value>
<key> <string>type_class</string> </key>
<value> <string>SoftwareInstance</string> </value>
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