Commit 8aa976ca authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

slapos_cloud: reduce the risk of always allocating on the same node

parent f6f4ab05
Pipeline #34755 failed with stage
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......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ if test_mode:
# fetch at mot 50 random Compute Partitions, and check if they are ok
# fetch at most 50 random Compute Partitions, and check if they are ok
isTransitionPossible = portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible
result_count = portal.portal_catalog.countResults(**query_kw)[0][0]
offset = max(0, result_count-1)
......@@ -180,8 +180,12 @@ if offset >= SQL_WINDOW_SIZE:
limit = (0, SQL_WINDOW_SIZE)
for compute_partition_candidate in portal.portal_catalog(
limit=limit, **query_kw):
compute_partition_candidate_list = [x for x in portal.portal_catalog(limit=limit, **query_kw)]
# reduce risk of always allocating on the same node
# (in case of slave instance for example)
for compute_partition_candidate in compute_partition_candidate_list:
compute_partition_candidate = compute_partition_candidate.getObject()
if compute_partition_candidate.getParentValue().getCapacityScope() == "close":
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