Commit 92c9e11d authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

Slave instance should be query as same as Software Instance.

parent 2760b116
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ order_line_list = context.portal_catalog( \n
portal_type_list = ["Software Instance", "Slave Instance"]\n
result = [x.getAggregateValue(portal_type=portal_type_list) for x in line_list]\n
result.extend([x.getAggregateValue(portal_type="Software Instance") for x in order_line_list])\n
result.extend([x.getAggregateValue(portal_type=portal_type_list) for x in order_line_list])\n
# result.extend([x.getObject() for x in order_line_list])\n
return result\n
</string> </value>
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