Hotfix/proxy root instance
Please both @alain.takoudjou and @rafael to review before merging.
First commit fixes the code for "getRootPartition"
Second commit renames requested slappartitions to use existing test partitions. To be more specific: self.add_free_partition(2)
creates following partitions (dump taken at the end of one test) hence the renaming.
({'computer_reference': 'computer',
'connection_xml': None,
'partition_reference': 'MyFirstInstance',
'reference': 'slappart0',
'requested_by': 'slappart2',
'requested_state': 'started',
'slap_state': 'busy',
'slave_instance_list': None,
'software_release': 'http://sr//',
'software_type': 'default',
'xml': "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n<instance/>\n"},
{'computer_reference': 'computer',
'connection_xml': None,
'partition_reference': None,
'reference': 'slappart1',
'requested_by': None,
'requested_state': 'started',
'slap_state': 'free',
'slave_instance_list': None,
'software_release': None,
'software_type': None,
'xml': None})
Is the renaming correct?