Error occurred when fetching sidebar data
The depot_tools package used to build Chromium (see slapos!1014 (merged)) installs some Python libraries (NumPy and PIL) with shared objects that don't have RPATH set. These shouldn't actually be used when running Chromium, but they cause the testing framework to complain about missing libraries.
Step 1. Fetch and check out the branch for this merge request
git fetch "" "master" git checkout -b "eric.zheng/slapos.core-master" FETCH_HEAD
Step 2. Review the changes locally
Step 3. Merge the branch and fix any conflicts that come up
git fetch origin git checkout "origin/master" git merge --no-ff "eric.zheng/slapos.core-master"
Step 4. Push the result of the merge to GitLab
git push origin "master"
Note that pushing to GitLab requires write access to this repository.
Tip: You can also checkout merge requests locally by following these guidelines.
This will create a new commit in order to revert the existing changes.