Commit 8841d4ab authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

BBU Patch: Don't install vifib playbook

parent 2ba2cd76
......@@ -11,15 +11,6 @@
cron: name="Launch Upgrader with ansible" state=absent
when: ors_upgrade_cron.rc == 0
- name: Check if vifib playbook is installed
shell: 'crontab -l | grep -A1 "#Ansible: Launch Upgrader with ansible" | grep -v ors-upgrade | grep -q "^*/10.*upgrader"'
ignore_errors: yes
register: vifib_cron
- name: Install vifib-base playbook
shell: ansible-playbook vifib-base.yml --extra-vars '{"period_minute":"*/10", "period_hour":"*"}'
when: vifib_cron.rc != 0
- name: Remove old cron
cron: name="Launch ors playbook every 3 hours" state=absent
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