Update documentation about gitclone and fill changelog

parent 307a0140
0.10.3 (Unreleased)
* No change yet.
0.11 (2012-09-04)
* Add slapos.recipe.build:gitclone recipe. [Cedric de Saint Martin]
0.10.2 (2012-08-02)
* Update manifest to include readme.rst [Cedric de Saint Martin]
0.10.1 (2012-08-02)
* Minor fix in ReST documentation formatting. [Cedric de Saint Martin]
0.10 (2012-07-02)
* Add ``format = yes|no`` option. [Antoine Catton]
0.9 (2012-06-07)
* Revert accidental release about upcoming version of slapos.recipe.build
0.8 (2012-06-07)
......@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ slapos.recipe.build:gitclone
Checkout a git repository.
Supports slapos.libnetworkcache if present.
......@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ the recipe will pick up the latest commit on the remote master branch::
recipe = slapos.recipe.build:gitclone
url = http://example.net/example.git/
repository = http://example.net/example.git/
This will clone the git repository in `parts/git-clone` directory.
......@@ -287,21 +288,21 @@ run it will take the latest commit on this remote branch::
recipe = slapos.recipe.build:gitclone
url = http://example.net/example.git/
repository = http://example.net/example.git/
branch = testing
Specific revision
You can specify a specific commit hash or tag using `revision` option.
This option will cancel `branch` option, making it useless::
This option is not compatible with "branch" option::
parts = git-clone
recipe = slapos.recipe.build:gitclone
url = http://example.net/example.git/
repository = http://example.net/example.git/
revision = 0123456789abcdef
Specific git binary
......@@ -316,8 +317,8 @@ option::
recipe = slapos.recipe.build:gitclone
url = http://example.net/example.git/
git-command = /usr/local/git/bin/git
repository = http://example.net/example.git/
git-executable = /usr/local/git/bin/git
Full example
......@@ -333,9 +334,9 @@ Full example
recipe = slapos.recipe.build:gitclone
url = http://example.net/example.git/
repository = http://example.net/example.git/
git-command = ${git-binary:location}/bin/git
revision = specific-tag
revision = 0123456789abcdef
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