gitclone: allow to create symlink in repository after clone or pull
Add option to create symlink in repository folder after clone. This can be useful to link git submodules files/folder in their good location.
For example:
recipe =
repository =
link-list =
doc-bt5/erp5_slapos_tutorial bt5/erp5_slapos_tutorial
doc-bt5/erp5_slapos_tutorial_data bt5/erp5_slapos_tutorial_data
After the repository is cloned with submodule in doc-bt5
, a symlink will be created to repository_location/doc-bt5/erp5_slapos_tutorial
into repository_location/bt5/erp5_slapos_tutorial
in order to place doc-bt5
business templates into bt5
After the repository part is installed,
$ cd $repository
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)