• Titouan Soulard's avatar
    recipe/certificate_authority: use UTF-8 for CA certificate · 38f1b018
    Titouan Soulard authored
    The CertificateAuthority tool in ERP5 uses UTF8 encoding for certificates,
    but by default OpenSSL does not. This cause an error when using non-ascii
    The localityName field is different between CA certificate and the request
    To solve the problem, the Certificate Authority recipe should use the same
    encoding as ERP5, which requires adding `-utf8` option when invoking
    For instance, creating a certificate with `localityName` Москва
    will give the following with the default OpenSSL encoding:
    UTF8-encoding this same string gives `\D0\9C\D0\BE\D1\81\D0\BA\D0\B2\D0\B0`,
    which is what ERP5 expects.
certificate_authority.py 3.61 KB