Commit 0fad9a6d authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

software/slapos-testing: Quickfix python -E errors

Since upgrading to zc.buildout = 3.0.1+slapos004, slapos.rebootstrap
and slapos.recipe.template tests are failing due to: these two tests
running buildout, buildout installing develop eggs, develop eggs now
being installed with pip install -e instead of develop, and
pip install -e launching sys.executable -E at some point. This fails
because the tests are run using gpython:main script, which currently
does not support -E option.

As a quick fix run these two tests with a barebone python executable
and use export PYTHONPATH to provide the needed eggs. This is not as
good as gpython:main because PYTHONPATH will be inherited by all sub
processes and not just those launched with sys.executable, including
potentially other versions of python.
parent 76fe99d6
Pipeline #36908 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
filename = instance.cfg
md5sum = 5f5378550470b551d280dd432878a0ba
md5sum = 9493b2789de783c375920eec74252499
......@@ -102,6 +102,17 @@ template = inline:#!/bin/sh
python -m unittest discover -v
rendered = $${re6stnet:location}/
# XXX: Quick fix for tests failing due to python -E unknown option.
# When gpython:main supports -E, move back to using that instead.
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
inline =
export PYTHONPATH=$(python -c "import sys; print(':'.join(p for p in sys.path if p))")
python=$(python -c "import sys; print(sys._gpy_underlying_executable)")
exec $python "$@"
output = $${buildout:bin-directory}/$${:_buildout_section_name_}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
output = $${create-directory:etc}/$${:_buildout_section_name_}
......@@ -171,9 +182,9 @@ inline =
# ['python', '-m', 'unittest', 'slapos.recipe.template.tests.test_suite'],
# ['$${real-python-with-eggs:output}', '-m', 'unittest', 'slapos.recipe.template.tests.test_suite'],
# XXX some test fail when running with unittest, so we keep using test
['python', '', 'test'],
['$${real-python-with-eggs:output}', '', 'test'],
......@@ -205,7 +216,7 @@ inline =
['python', '-m', 'unittest', '-v', 'slapos.rebootstrap.tests.test_suite'],
['$${real-python-with-eggs:output}', '-m', 'unittest', '-v', 'slapos.rebootstrap.tests.test_suite'],
  • Thanks !

    Are you also planning to work on making pygolang support -E ? It should not be too hard to implement this in pygolang, code is and tests are . On tests nodes we run tests with test suites named Pygolang.UnitTest-Master.Python3 and Pygolang.UnitTest-Master.Python2.

    as far as I remember we have support for re-exec'ing the interpreter in a similar way and started implementing support for -S but we were stuck on a bug preventing running the test on python2 ( ) we probably did not have an immediate need for -S, we waited a bit for support in virtualenv but this did not happen. All this was 4 years ago, now if implement this in pygolang with having test coverage only python3 (skipping the corresponding tests on python2 - I assume this should be easy but I might be wrong here), that seems better.

    /cc @kirr

  • @jerome, thanks for feedback. We talked with Xavier about this issue over jabber yesterday and similarly to you I offered Xavier to work on -E support, but in the end we agreed that it will be me to implement it. Thanks for bringing -S memories and context. Do you maybe have references where we did something for -S already? It would be a bit pity to redo that from scratch but offhand I could not find our draft changes.

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