Commit 2f6d78b2 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 69ca8977
......@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ port=5354
# {{ ru_ref }} @ {{ ru_tap }}
dhcp-range=tag:{{ ru_tap }},{{ vtap.gateway }},{{ vtap.gateway }},static,{{ plen }},5m
dhcp-host={{ ru.mac_addr }},tag:{{ ru_tap }},[{{ vtap.gateway }}]
{# XXX kill dhcp-option=option6:dns-server,[{{ netaddr.IPAddress(slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv6-gateway', '')) + 1 }}],[{{ netaddr.IPAddress(slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv6-gateway', '')) + 2 }}] #}
{# XXX kill dhcp-option=option6:domain-search,bbu.local #}
# option 17 used for RU callhome
# dhcp-option=option6:17,[{{ vtap.addr }}]
{%- endfor %}
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