Commit aa60e816 authored by Dmitry Blinov's avatar Dmitry Blinov Committed by Jérome Perrin

component/java-jdk: new component

extracted from nexedi/slapos!735
parent b29fb096
extends =
parts =
recipe = plone.recipe.command
command = echo "Error: unsupported platform" && false
stop-on-error = true
location =
[java-jdk:linux and bits64]
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
shared = true
url =
md5sum = f5da6f4dec81bdd2a096184ec1d69216
configure-command = :
make-binary = :
pre-install =
mkdir -p @@LOCATION@@
cp -r * @@LOCATION@@
post-install =
for file in @@LOCATION@@/bin/* ; do
echo appending rpath to $file
${patchelf:location}/bin/patchelf --set-rpath ${:rpath} $file
rpath = ${zlib:location}/lib:@@LOCATION@@/lib
location = @@LOCATION@@
  • @jerome we use Zulu for OpenJDK binary (see component/bazel). Why we choose here the binary saying 'for reference purposes only' ?

  • Thanks, I did not know zulu existed. Even if it says "for reference purposes only" it seems to work fine, but I don't know why we selected this version. This commit comes from !735 , maybe @algae_pancake and others took this version because they did not know about zulu either ( maybe @tomo / @rafael know ?)

  • @jerome I don't know.

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