Commit b7bf6abd authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

component/boost-lib: use simpler syntax for $PYTHON

The ${PYTHON:+--with-python=$PYTHON} looks like a buildout substitution and
because of the way slapos.recipe.cmmi replaces @@LOCATION@@ in options it was
not properly escaped when saved in .installed.cfg.
That was probably a bug, but we don't really need such a complex syntax,
because when using [python] section $PYTHON will be set in environment, so
instead of having the fallback, make sure python section was installed and
assume that $PYTHON is in environment.
parent 23eb542d
Pipeline #11253 running with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ extends =
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
......@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ shared = true
url =
md5sum = ced776cb19428ab8488774e1415535ab
location = @@LOCATION@@
configure-command = ./ --prefix=${:location} --without-icu $${PYTHON:+--with-python=$PYTHON}
configure-command = ./ --prefix=${:location} --without-icu --with-python=$PYTHON
make-binary =
make-options =
make-targets = for a in $MAKEFLAGS; do case $a in -j*) j=$a; break;; esac; done;
......@@ -29,3 +30,5 @@ patch-options = -p1
patches =
patch-binary = ${patch:location}/bin/patch
depends =
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