Commit d26a66dc authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

Sozu fixup for parameters and certificate

parent 2d3959df
......@@ -14,16 +14,24 @@
# not need these here).
filename =
md5sum = 8a714ed894c0eb99cd8de49e588d0af4
md5sum = d53e6dd9d1c1faf6c29837108574958c
filename =
md5sum = 5ec499b5cab85d9aa2b55ea6ff3cf701
md5sum = 97ba1fa01024f131b932c36896f061ce
filename =
md5sum = 3b407e5ee362e51de60ffb9f850f9cc0
filename = templates/
md5sum = b4e2b7fd4ef12862944e2bcfe4c2e4d6
filename =
md5sum = ee8dcb866fbe3b8916c6d2e5a28e19e3
filename = templates/404.html
md5sum = 688eb86fba7c320370b50ff84edcfa31
filename = templates/503.html
md5sum = 1bb8129372c26af854a3d9b60f495414
......@@ -42,14 +42,9 @@
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"address": {
"title": "TCP listener",
"description": "TCP address listener (ip and port). Something like:",
"type": "string"
"hostname": {
"title": "Hostname",
"description": "host name of the cluster.",
"title": "Hostname for frontend",
"description": "Frontend hostname, this need to resolve frontend IP address. Default is empty.",
"type": "string"
"path": {
......@@ -97,7 +92,7 @@
"items": {
"type": "string"
"default": []
"default": ["TLS_V12", "TLS_V13"]
"deploy-certificate": {
"title": "Deploy self-signed certificate",
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ nginx-prefix = ${:var}/nginx
tmp = ${:home}/tmp
ssl = ${:etc}/ssl
dssl = ${:etc}/ssl-downloaded
assets = ${:srv}/sozu/assets
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
......@@ -41,31 +42,46 @@ cert-file = ${ca-directory:certs}/${:name}.key
executable = echo "request certificate"
wrapper = ${directory:tmp}/ca-${:name}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:free_port
minimum = 7091
maximum = 9190
ip = {{ ipv6 }}
{% set port_base = 7090 -%}
{% for slave_dict in slave_instance_list %}
{% set instance_dict = json_module.loads(slave_dict['_']) -%}
{% set name = slave_dict['slave_reference'] -%}
{% set slave_title = slave_dict['slave_title'] -%}
{% set cert_section_name = '${' ~ name ~ '-ssl:cert-file}' -%}
{% set key_section_name = '${' ~ name ~ '-ssl:key-file}' -%}
{% set port_base = port_base + 20 -%}
[{{ name }}-ssl]
<= ca-certificate-base
name = {{ name }}
{% for cluster_name, cluster_dict in instance_dict['frontend-dict'].items() %}
{% if cluster_dict.get('deploy-certificate') -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][cluster_name].__setitem__('certificate', '${' ~ name ~ '-ssl:cert-file}') -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][cluster_name].__setitem__('key', '${' ~ name ~ '-ssl:key-file}') -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][cluster_name].__setitem__('certificate-chain', '${' ~ name ~ '-ssl:chain-file}') -%}
{% elif cluster_dict.get('certificate') and cluster_dict.get('key') and cluster_dict.get('certificate-chain') -%}
{{ createfile(name ~ cluster_name ~ "-crt", "${directory:dssl}/" ~ name ~ cluster_name ~ ".crt", cluster_dict['certificate']) }}
{{ createfile(name ~ cluster_name ~ "-key", "${directory:dssl}/" ~ name ~ cluster_name ~ ".key", cluster_dict['key']) }}
{{ createfile(name ~ cluster_name ~ "-chain", "${directory:dssl}/" ~ name ~ cluster_name ~ "-chain.crt", cluster_dict['certificate-chain']) }}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][cluster_name].__setitem__('certificate', '${' ~ name ~ cluster_name~ '-crt:output}') -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][cluster_name].__setitem__('key', '${' ~ name ~ cluster_name~ '-key:output}') -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][cluster_name].__setitem__('certificate-chain', '${' ~ name ~ cluster_name~ '-chain:output}') -%}
{% for frontend_name, frontend_dict in instance_dict['frontend-dict'].items() %}
{% set frontend_port = port_base + 1 -%}
[{{ "%s-%s-port" | format(name, frontend_name) }}]
<= cluster-frontend-port
minimum= {{ frontend_port }}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][frontend_name].__setitem__("address", "%s:${%s-%s-port:port}" | format(ipv6, name, frontend_name)) -%}
{% if frontend_dict.get('deploy-certificate') -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][frontend_name].__setitem__("certificate", "${%s-ssl:cert-file}" | format(name)) -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][frontend_name].__setitem__('key', "${%s-ssl:key-file}" | format(name)) -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][frontend_name].__setitem__('certificate-chain', "${%s-ssl:chain-file}" | format(name)) -%}
{% elif frontend_dict.get('certificate') and frontend_dict.get('key') -%}
{{ createfile("%s-%s-crt" | format(name, frontend_name), "${directory:dssl}/" ~ name ~ frontend_name ~ ".crt", frontend_dict['certificate']) }}
{{ createfile("%s-%s-key" | format(name, frontend_name), "${directory:dssl}/" ~ name ~ frontend_name ~ ".key", frontend_dict['key']) }}
{% if frontend_dict.get('certificate-chain') -%}
{{ createfile("%s-%s-chain" | format(name, frontend_name), "${directory:dssl}/" ~ name ~ frontend_name ~ "-chain.crt", frontend_dict['certificate-chain']) }}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][frontend_name].__setitem__('certificate-chain', "${%s-%s-chain:output}" | format(name, frontend_name)) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][frontend_name].__setitem__('certificate', "${%s-%s-crt:output}" | format(name, frontend_name)) -%}
{% do instance_dict['frontend-dict'][frontend_name].__setitem__('key', "${%s-%s-key:output}" | format(name, frontend_name)) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% do cluster_definition_dict.__setitem__(name, instance_dict) -%}
......@@ -75,9 +91,14 @@ name = {{ name }}
#warn, info, debug, trace
log-level = info
log-file = ${directory:log}/sozu.log
state-file = ${directory:etc}/sozu-state.json
access-log-file = ${directory:log}/sozu-access.log
socket-file = ${directory:run}/sozu.sock
max-buffer-size = 163840
404-html = {{ response_404_html }}
503-html = {{ response_503_html }}
buffer-size = 16393
cmd-buffer-size = 1048576
max-cmd-buffer-size = 2097152
worker-count = 2
max-connections = 500
# wait for a command to complete timeout
......@@ -118,6 +139,7 @@ wrapper-path = ${directory:bin}/sozu
recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority.request
key-file = ${sozu-parameters:key-file}
cert-file = ${sozu-parameters:cert-file}
chain-file = ${ca-directory:root}/cacert.pem
executable = ${sozu-wrapper:wrapper-path}
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/ca-sozu
......@@ -196,7 +218,7 @@ context =
{% for name, cluster_dict in cluster_definition_dict.items() -%}
{{ name }} = {{ dumps(cluster_dict) }}
{{ name }} = !py!{{ cluster_dict }}
{% endfor -%}
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ extra-context =
# config files
raw config_toml_in {{ config_toml }}
raw template_publish_slave {{ template_publish_slave }}
raw response_404_html {{ template_404_html }}
raw response_503_html {{ template_503_html }}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
......@@ -20,16 +20,6 @@ command =
cargo install --root=${:location} sozu
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
url =
md5sum = 4cd4386b64c652af5ad416b10b6ca246
configure-command = :
make-binary = cargo install --root=%(location)s --path . --locked
make-targets =
environment =
recipe =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
......@@ -50,6 +40,8 @@ context =
key sozu_location sozu:location
key template_sozu_cfg template-sozu:target
key template_publish_slave publish-sozu-slave-parameters.cfg:target
key template_404_html response-404.html:target
key template_503_html response-503.html:target
<= dl-template
......@@ -59,3 +51,9 @@ context =
<= dl-template
<= dl-template
<= dl-template
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
\ No newline at end of file
HTTP/1.1 503 Service unavailable
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
# routing. You can generate this file from sozu's current routing by running
# the command `sozu state save -f state.json`
# this must be RELATIVE to config.toml
# saved_state = "./state.json"
saved_state = "{{ parameter_dict['state-file'] }}"
# save the configuration to the saved_state file every time we receive a
# configuration message on the configuration socket
# defaults to false, and will not work if the 'saved_state' option is not set
# automatic_state_save = false
automatic_state_save = false
# logging verbosity. Possible values are "error", "warn", "info", "debug" and
# "trace". For performance reasons, the logs at "debug" or "trace" level are
......@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ command_socket = "{{ parameter_dict['socket-file'] }}"
# buffer will grow up to max_command_buffer_size. If the buffer is still not large
# enough sozu will close the connection
# defaults to 1000000
command_buffer_size = 16384
command_buffer_size = {{ parameter_dict["cmd-buffer-size"] }}
# defaults to command_buffer_size * 2
max_command_buffer_size = {{ parameter_dict["max-buffer-size"] }}
max_command_buffer_size = {{ parameter_dict["max-cmd-buffer-size"] }}
# the number of worker processes that will handle traffic
# defaults to 2 workers
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ max_connections = {{ parameter_dict["max-connections"] }}
# leave enough memory for one more worker (also for the kernel, etc), so total
# RAM should be larger than (worker count + 1) * max_buffers * 2 * buffer_size bytes
# defaults to 16393 (minimum size for HTTP/2 is a 16384 bytes frame + 9 bytes of header
buffer_size = 16393
buffer_size = {{ parameter_dict["buffer-size"] }}
# how much time (in milliseconds) sozu command line will wait for a command to complete.
# Defaults to 1000 milliseconds
......@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ address = "[{{ parameter_dict['ip'] }}]:{{ parameter_dict['port'] }}"
# path to custom 404 and 503 answers
# a 404 response is sent when sozu does not know about the requested domain or path
# a 503 response is sent if there are no backend servers available
#answer_404 = "../lib/assets/404.html"
#answer_503 = "../lib/assets/503.html"
answer_404 = "{{ parameter_dict['404-html'] }}"
answer_503 = "{{ parameter_dict['503-html'] }}"
# defines the sticky session cookie's name, if `sticky_session` is activated for
# a cluster. Defaults to "SOZUBALANCEID"
......@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ address = "[{{ parameter_dict['ip'] }}]:{{ parameter_dict['https-port'] }}"
# this option is incompatible with expect_proxy
# public_address = ""
# answer_404 = "../lib/assets/404.html"
# answer_503 = "../lib/assets/503.html"
answer_404 = "{{ parameter_dict['404-html'] }}"
answer_503 = "{{ parameter_dict['503-html'] }}"
# sticky_name = "SOZUBALANCEID"
# Configures the client socket to receive a PROXY protocol header
......@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ cipher_list = [
# default certificate and key
# in case you want to set up TLS without SNI, you can define the default
# certificate here
certificate = "{{ parameter_dict['cert-file'] }}"
key = "{{ parameter_dict['key-file'] }}"
certificate_chain = "{{ parameter_dict['cert-chain-file'] }}"
# certificate = "{{ parameter_dict['cert-file'] }}"
# key = "{{ parameter_dict['key-file'] }}"
# certificate_chain = "{{ parameter_dict['cert-chain-file'] }}"
# options specific to a TCP proxy listener
......@@ -258,19 +258,21 @@ load_metric = "{{ cluster_dict.get('load-metric', 'CONNECTIONS') }}"
# - hostname: host name of the cluster
# - path = "/api" # optional. A routing rule for incoming requests. The path of the request must match it. Can be a prefix (default), a regex, or a strictly equal path.
# - path_type = PREFIX | REGEX | EQUALS # defaults to PREFIX
# - sticky_session = false # activates sticky sessions for this cluster
# - sticky_session = false # activates sticky sessions for this cluster (not working!)
# - https_redirect = false # activates automatic redirection to HTTPS for this cluster
# - custom_tag: a tag to retrieve a frontend with the CLI or in the logs
# - method
# - position
frontends = [
{% for _, frontend_dict in cluster_dict['frontend-dict'].items() -%}
{% set enable_https = frontend_dict.get("certificate") and frontend_dict.get("key") and frontend_dict.get("chain") -%}
{% set enable_https = frontend_dict.get("certificate") and frontend_dict.get("key") and frontend_dict.get("certificate-chain") -%}
{% set tag_list = [] -%}
{% set user_tag_list = frontend_dict.get('tag-list', []) -%}
{% for tag in user_tag_list -%}
{% set k, v = tag.split('=') -%}
{% do tag_list.append(k.strip() ~ '="' ~ v.strip() ~ '"') -%}
{% endfor -%}
{ address = "{{ frontend_dict['address'] }}", hostname = "{{ frontend_dict.get('hostname') }}", {% if user_tag_list -%} tags = {{ tag_list | join(',') }}, {%- endif %} path = "{{ frontend_dict.get('path', '') }}", path_type = "{{ frontend_dict.get("path-type", "PREFIX") }}", sticky_session = {{ frontend_dict.get("sticky-session", "false") }}, https_redirect = {{ frontend_dict.get("https-redirect", "false") }}{% if enable_https -%}, tls_versions = {{ frontend_dict.get("tls-versions", []) }}, certificate = "{{ frontend_dict['certificate'] }}", key = "{{ frontend_dict['key'] }}", certificate_chain = "{{ frontend_dict['chain'] }}" {% endif -%} },
{ address = "{{ frontend_dict['address'] }}", hostname = "{{ frontend_dict.get('hostname') }}", {% if user_tag_list -%} tags = {{ tag_list | join(',') }}, {%- endif %} path = "{{ frontend_dict.get('path', '') }}", path_type = "{{ frontend_dict.get("path-type", "PREFIX") }}" {% if enable_https -%}, tls_versions = {{ frontend_dict.get("tls-versions", ["TLS_V12", "TLS_V13"]) }}, certificate = "{{ frontend_dict['certificate'] }}", key = "{{ frontend_dict['key'] }}", certificate_chain = "{{ frontend_dict['certificate-chain'] }}" {% endif -%} },
{% endfor -%}
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