Commit d3dc7357 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 5ce62b9a
......@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ context =
import json_module json
import netaddr netaddr
section directory directory
section vtap vtap
json iru_dict {{ rulib.iru_dict | tojson }}
......@@ -77,10 +77,16 @@ addr = {{ slap_configuration['tap-ipv6-addr'] }}
{%- else %}
{%- for i in range(1,ntap+1) %}
[vtap.{{ slap_configuration['tap-name'] }}-{{ i }}]
network = ...
gateway = ... network[1]
addr = ... network.last
{%- set tap = slap_configuration['tap-name'] }}-{{ i }} %}
[vtap.{{ tap }}]
recipt =
init =
tapsplit = __import__('{{ ru_tapsplit }}')
net = tapsplit.ifnet6('{{ tap }}')
options['network'] = str(net)
options['gateway'] = str(net[1])
options['addr'] = str(net[-1])
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
......@@ -36,8 +36,37 @@ def main():
n = int(sys.argv[2])
assert n >= 0, n
# determine tap's address, network and owner
# determine tap's network address and owner
owner = readfile(sysnet(tap) + '/owner') .strip()
net = ifnet6(tap)
print('%s: split %s by %d' % (tap, net, n))
# cleanup existing children
for ifname in netifaces.interfaces():
if ifname.startswith('%s-' % tap):
run('ip', 'link', 'del', ifname)
# see how much prefix bits we need to take to divide by n
n += 1 # also leaving first range for the original tap
ptake = ceil(log2(n))
# do the split
for i, subnet in enumerate(net.subnet(net.prefixlen + ptake)):
if i == 0:
print('preserve %s' % subnet)
continue # leave this range for original tap
subtap = '%s-%d' % (tap, i)
print('-> %s %s' % (subtap, subnet))
run('ip', 'tuntap', 'add', 'dev', subtap, 'mode', 'tap', 'user', owner)
run('ip', 'link', 'set', subtap, 'up')
run('ip', 'addr', 'add', str(subnet), 'dev', subtap, 'noprefixroute')
run('ip', 'route', 'add', str(subnet[1]), 'dev', subtap)
run('ip', 'route', 'add', str(subnet), 'dev', subtap, 'via', str(subnet[1]))
# ifnet6 returns IPv6 network address associated with given interface.
def ifnet6(ifname):
addr = None
net = None
prefixlen = None
......@@ -63,31 +92,7 @@ def main():
# normalize network
# ex 2401:5180:0:66:a7ff:ffff:ffff:ffff/71 -> 2401:5180:0:66:a600::/71
net = net.cidr
print('%s: split %s by %d' % (tap, net, n))
# cleanup existing children
for ifname in netifaces.interfaces():
if ifname.startswith('%s-' % tap):
run('ip', 'link', 'del', ifname)
# see how much prefix bits we need to take to divide by n
n += 1 # also leaving first range for the original tap
ptake = ceil(log2(n))
# do the split
for i, subnet in enumerate(net.subnet(prefixlen + ptake)):
if i == 0:
print('preserve %s' % subnet)
continue # leave this range for original tap
subtap = '%s-%d' % (tap, i)
print('-> %s %s' % (subtap, subnet))
run('ip', 'tuntap', 'add', 'dev', subtap, 'mode', 'tap', 'user', owner)
run('ip', 'link', 'set', subtap, 'up')
run('ip', 'addr', 'add', str(subnet), 'dev', subtap, 'noprefixroute')
run('ip', 'route', 'add', str(subnet[1]), 'dev', subtap)
run('ip', 'route', 'add', str(subnet), 'dev', subtap, 'via', str(subnet[1]))
return net
# sysnet returns path on /sys corresponding to given interface.
def sysnet(ifname):
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