1. 30 Apr, 2020 3 commits
    • Thomas Gambier's avatar
      software/kvm: python-with-eggs needs slapos.toolbox · 73c19b03
      Thomas Gambier authored
      kvm_controller_raw uses slapos.qemuqmpclient from slapos.toolbox
      See the following error without this patch:
      slapuser61@COMP-202:~/srv/runner/instance/slappart0$ /srv/slapgrid/slappart61/srv/runner/instance/slappart0/bin/kvm_controller_raw
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart61/srv/runner/software/1adf3dca589722a5eeac686fd4870ad0/bin/python-with-eggs", line 76, in <module>
          exec(compile(__file__f.read(), __file__, "exec"))
        File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart61/srv/runner/instance/slappart0/bin/kvm_controller_raw", line 9, in <module>
          from slapos.qemuqmpclient import QemuQMPWrapper, getInitialQemuResourceDict
      ImportError: No module named qemuqmpclient
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      erp5: share most dependencies · 4c390117
      Jérome Perrin authored
      Modify components to make them compatible with `slapos.recipe.cmmi` shared mode.
      Most of them were straightforward, except:
       - aspell, where all dictionnaries parts were installed in aspell part. Instead of this, we generate an aspell wrapper for each language. This wrapper runs aspell with environment variables so that it loads dictionnaries from the language.
       - fonts, where all fonts were installed in the same `${buildout:parts-directory}/fonts/` folder and where just installing a font part had the side effect to make this font available to every application. Now each font is installed separately and it becomes applications responsability to generate a fontconfig's fonts.conf and set `FONTCONFIG_FILE` environment variable to load it, as described in https://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html . A new `template-fonts-conf` section was introduced for this.
       - mariadb, where mroonga plugin write in mariadb's folder. For this, mroonga plugin is installed in another directory along with all original mariadb's plugin (that are copied) and mariadb service is configured to use mroonga's plugin folder instead of the default mariadb's folder.
      See merge request !706
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      theia: include a slapos · cdd6690d
      Jérome Perrin authored
      Include a slapos command implemented with slapos standalone
      See merge request !743
  2. 29 Apr, 2020 18 commits
  3. 28 Apr, 2020 16 commits
  4. 27 Apr, 2020 3 commits