stack/erp5: completely remove cloudooo
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I would like to apply it around the wednesday 27th of September, please be prepared to upgrade your sites !
This MR provides two commits :
- Remove Cloudooo from stack/erp5 ;
- Add parameter to configure Cloudooo URL.
By default, ERP5 will be configured (at instanciation) to use the public cloudooo cluster on (defined on Default System Preference).
But you can choose which URL to use. Here is an example of instanciation parameter : {"cloudooo-url":""}
caution /!\ as concequences Cloudooo will become orphean if you upgrade your site from a slapos computer or from a webrunner :
- from a slapos computer, the Cloudooo instance won't be requested anymore by the root instance. So here would be the suggested steps to upgrade :
- run slapos node software to build the new software ;
- configure Cloudooo URL on your site to point to an external Cloudooo ;
- stop Cloudooo service ;
- request Cloudooo stop (or destroy) ;
- once software built, run slapos node instance.
- from webrunner, the differences is that it's not possible to destroy (or stop?) the Cloudooo instance. Here are the suggested steps to upgrade :
- configure Cloudooo URL on your site to point to an external Cloudooo ;
- stop Cloudooo service ;
- then hack to make slapos proxy to think Cloudooo does not exist anymore (stopped or destroyed) ;
- click Play.
Check out, review, and merge locally
Step 1. Fetch and check out the branch for this merge request
git fetch "" "noooo" git checkout -b "tc/slapos-noooo" FETCH_HEAD
Step 2. Review the changes locally
Step 3. Merge the branch and fix any conflicts that come up
git fetch origin git checkout "origin/master" git merge --no-ff "tc/slapos-noooo"
Step 4. Push the result of the merge to GitLab
git push origin "master"
Note that pushing to GitLab requires write access to this repository.
Tip: You can also checkout merge requests locally by following these guidelines.
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