Switch to jupyter python distribution
ipython notebook
is obsolete, replace it by jupyter
This merge request consist of:
- adding jupyter component providing base jupyter software
- replacing inpython_notebook SR with jupyter one
- adapting ERP5 and Wendelin SR to use jupyter
- renaming ipython into jupyter respectively
- begin able to run ERP5Kernel
- assure that paths are correctly used and configured ( http://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/projects/jupyter-directories.html )
- being able to run python2 standard kernel
is not moved, no migration or manual steps are required for instances running older versions of Jupyter integration; nevertheless before merging this code checks shall be executed to assert no impact on data -
information available for ERP5Kernel - add folder for extensions !190 (comment 37030)
- review by notebook users usability of new apporach ( ping Klaus & Tyagov when done)
for explicity and control - split some commits to small functional ones
- await for tests with Jupyter instantiation: ERP5-MASTER-slapos!190, status: Completed, FAILm the results are the same as ERP5-MASTER - also FAIL with 74 count