Commit 1de93a10 authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

Merge branch 'measure-analysis' into packet-exchange

parents 0b8a4df5 118883d1
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class MeasureSetHandler:
# Set meta graph information
if props_type == 'histogram':
ax.set_xlabel('Latency (us)')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of latency samples')
ax.set_ylabel('Percentage of latency samples (%)')
ax.set_title('{}, {} histogram'.format(mtype, prop_name))
ax.set_xlabel('Time (us)')
......@@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ class MeasureSetHandler:
report.write("### {} results\n\n".format(mtype))
# mtype description
if mtype in MeasureSet.descriptions:
measures = []
for mid in self.measure_sets[mtype]['ids']:
measures.append(self.get_measure_set("{}{}".format(mtype, mid)))
......@@ -272,6 +276,31 @@ class MeasureSet:
'duration': 'Test duration',
descriptions = {
'cyclictest_wake-up_latency': "Uses cyclictest from the rt-tests test suite to measure wake-up latency. "
"A real-time thread is run on CPU1, and wakes up at a regular interval"
"(specified by the interval parameter) using clock_nanosleep. It then uses"
"clock_gettime and computes the difference between the scheduled wake-up"
"time and the effective wake-up time measured by clock_gettime. "
"The command used is: cyclictest -p `prio` -a1 -t1 -n -h 200 -q -i `interval`",
'packet_jitter': "An UDP packet is periodically sent from one board to another using a real time"
"thread. The receiving board calculates the intervals between the packets"
"it receives, and sees how much it differs from the scheduled interval.",
'packet_recv_timestamps': "An UDP packet is periodically sent from one board to another using a real time"
"thread. The receiving board uses the SO_TIMESTAMPING option to see when"
"the packet entered the kernel, and generates timestamps with clock_gettime"
"once the packets enters userspace to compute the time the packet spent in"
"kernel and user space.",
'packet_send_timestamps': "Similar to packet_recv_timestamps, but on the transmitting board.",
'packet_rtt': "An UDP packet is periodically sent from one board to another and sent back as"
"soon as it arrives using a real time thread. The round trip time is computed"
"with clock_gettime on the transmitting board.",
def __init__(self):
self.metadata = {}
......@@ -444,6 +473,7 @@ class MeasureSet:
bins = [i for i in range(self.min[i], self.max[i] + 1)]
vals = self.props[i][self.min[i] + self.middle : self.max[i] + self.middle + 1]
vals = [ (x * 100) / sum(vals) for x in vals]
min_val = max(vals) / 140
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
### cyclictest_wake-up_latency results
Uses cyclictest from the rt-tests test suite to measure wake-up latency. A real-time thread is run on CPU1, and wakes up at a regular interval(specified by the interval parameter) using clock_nanosleep. It then usesclock_gettime and computes the difference between the scheduled wake-uptime and the effective wake-up time measured by clock_gettime. The command used is: cyclictest -p `prio` -a1 -t1 -n -h 200 -q -i `interval`
**Common test metadata:** Linux kernel version: 4.19, Boot Parameters: isolcpus, Interval: 200us, ETF qdisc delta: 200us, Task priority: 99, qdisc: pfifo_fast
Metadata | Min | Max | Avg | Var
......@@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ Emerald, 24h, ssh | 12.0000us | 80.0000us | 15.4101u
### packet_send_timestamps results
Similar to packet_recv_timestamps, but on the transmitting board.
**Common test metadata:** Linux kernel version: 4.19, Boot Parameters: isolcpus, ETF qdisc delta: 200us, Task priority: 99, Device and processor load: ssh, qdisc: pfifo_fast
Metadata | Min | Max | Avg | Var
......@@ -42,6 +46,8 @@ Slate, 1000us, 0h2 | 1.0000us - 32.0000us | 12.0000us - 118.0000us
### packet_recv_timestamps results
An UDP packet is periodically sent from one board to another using a real timethread. The receiving board uses the SO_TIMESTAMPING option to see whenthe packet entered the kernel, and generates timestamps with clock_gettimeonce the packets enters userspace to compute the time the packet spent inkernel and user space.
**Common test metadata:** Board name: Slate, Linux kernel version: 4.19, Boot Parameters: isolcpus, ETF qdisc delta: 200us, Task priority: 99, Device and processor load: ssh, qdisc: pfifo_fast
Metadata | Min | Max | Avg | Var
......@@ -56,6 +62,8 @@ Metadata | Min | Max
### packet_jitter results
An UDP packet is periodically sent from one board to another using a real timethread. The receiving board calculates the intervals between the packetsit receives, and sees how much it differs from the scheduled interval.
**Common test metadata:** Board name: Slate, Linux kernel version: 4.19, Boot Parameters: isolcpus, ETF qdisc delta: 200us, Task priority: 99, Device and processor load: ssh, qdisc: pfifo_fast
Metadata | Min | Max | Avg | Var
......@@ -69,6 +77,8 @@ Metadata | Min | Max | Avg | Var
### packet_rtt results
An UDP packet is periodically sent from one board to another and sent back assoon as it arrives using a real time thread. The round trip time is computedwith clock_gettime on the transmitting board.
**Common test metadata:** Board name: Onyx, Linux kernel version: 4.19, Boot Parameters: isolcpus, Interval: 10000us, ETF qdisc delta: 200us, Task priority: 99, Device and processor load: ssh, Test duration: 0h4, qdisc: pfifo_fast
Min | Max | Avg | Var
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