11.4 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Ivan Tyagov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
# option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
# the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
# Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
# source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
# software used.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
from erp5.component.document.BigFile import BigFile
from wendelin.bigarray.array_zodb import ZBigArray
from erp5.component.document.File import _MARKER
from wendelin.bigarray.array_ram import RAMArray
from ZPublisher import HTTPRangeSupport
from webdav.common import rfc1123_date
from DateTime import DateTime
from mimetools import choose_boundary
import transaction

class DataArray(BigFile):
  Represents a numpy representation of ndarray

  meta_type = 'ERP5 Data Array'
  portal_type = 'Data Array'
  add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent

  # Declarative security
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()

  # Declarative properties
  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.CategoryCore
                    , PropertySheet.SortIndex
                    , PropertySheet.DataArray

  def initArray(self, shape, dtype):
    Initialise array.
    if self.__module__ == "erp5.temp_portal_type":
      array = RAMArray(shape, dtype)
      array = ZBigArray(shape, dtype)
    return array

  def getArray(self, default=None):
    Get numpy array value.
    return getattr(self, 'array', None)

  def _setArray(self, value):
      Set numpy array to this ERP5 Data Array.
    self.array = value

    # ZBigArray requirement: before we can compute it (with subobject
    # .zfile) have to be made explicitly known to connection or current
    # transaction committed (XXX: impossible to use as raises ConflictErrors)

  def getArraySlice(self, start, end):
      Implement array slicing in its most simple list alike form.
      Any other advanced slicing techniques currently possible by getting
      array reference directly.
    return self.getArray()[start:end]

  def getArrayIndex(self, index):
      Implement array indexing in its most simple list alike form.
      Any other advanced indexing techniques currently possible by getting
      array reference directly.
    return self.getArray()[index]

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSize')
  def getSize(self):
       Implement getSize interface for ndarray
    array = self.getArray()
    if array is None:
      return 0
      return array.nbytes

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getArrayShape')
  def getArrayShape(self):
    Get numpy array shape.
    zarray = self.getArray()
    if zarray is not None:
      return zarray.shape

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getArrayDtype')
  def getArrayDtype(self):
    Get numpy array dtype.
    zarray = self.getArray()
    if zarray is not None:
      return zarray.dtype

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getArrayDtypeNames')
  def getArrayDtypeNames(self):
    Get numpy array dtype names
    zarray = self.getArray()
    if zarray is not None:
      return zarray.dtype.names

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'setArrayDtypeNames')
  def setArrayDtypeNames(self, names):
    Set numpy array dtype names
    self.getArray().dtype.names = names

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'index_html')
  def index_html(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, format=_MARKER, inline=_MARKER, **kw): # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
      Support streaming
    if self._range_request_handler(REQUEST, RESPONSE):
      # we served a chunk of content in response to a range request.
      return ''

    # return default view
    return self.view()

  # FIXME this duplicates a lot of code from ERP5's BigFile
  # -> TODO reuse BigFile streaming capability without copying its code
  def _range_request_handler(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
    # HTTP Range header handling: return True if we've served a range
    # chunk out of our data.
    # convert ranges from bytes to array indices
    slice_index = REQUEST.get('slice_index', None)
    start_date = REQUEST.get('start_date', None)
    stop_date = REQUEST.get('stop_date', None)
    if slice_index is not None or (start_date is not None and stop_date is not None):
      RESPONSE.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
      if slice_index is not None:
        slice_index_list = []
        for index in slice_index:
      elif start_date is not None and stop_date is not None:
        import numpy as np
        import pandas as pd
        start_date_vector = self.getArray()[:]['start_date']
        stop_date_vector = self.getArray()[:]['stop_date']
        valid_start_idx = np.where(start_date_vector >= np.datetime64(start_date))[0]
        valid_stop_idx = np.where(stop_date_vector <=  np.datetime64(stop_date))[0]

        if len(valid_start_idx) != 0 and len(valid_stop_idx) != 0:
          start_index = valid_start_idx[start_date_vector[valid_start_idx].argmin()]
          stop_index = valid_stop_idx[stop_date_vector[valid_stop_idx].argmax()]
          slice_index_list = [slice(start_index, stop_index+1)]
          slice_index_list = [slice(0, 0)]

      list_index = REQUEST.get('list_index', None)
      if list_index is not None:
      return True

    http_range = REQUEST.get_header('Range', None)
    request_range = REQUEST.get_header('Request-Range', None)
    if request_range is not None:
      # Netscape 2 through 4 and MSIE 3 implement a draft version
      # Later on, we need to serve a different mime-type as well.
      http_range = request_range
    if_range = REQUEST.get_header('If-Range', None)
    if http_range is not None:
      ranges = HTTPRangeSupport.parseRange(http_range)

      array = self.getArray()

      if if_range is not None:
        # Only send ranges if the data isn't modified, otherwise send
        # the whole object. Support both ETags and Last-Modified dates!
        if len(if_range) > 1 and if_range[:2] == 'ts':
          # ETag:
          if if_range != self.http__etag():
            # Modified, so send a normal response. We delete
            # the ranges, which causes us to skip to the 200
            # response.
            ranges = None
          # Date
          date = if_range.split( ';')[0]
          try: mod_since=long(DateTime(date).timeTime())
          except Exception: mod_since=None
          if mod_since is not None:
            last_mod = self._data_mtime()
            if last_mod is None:
              last_mod = 0
            last_mod = long(last_mod)
            if last_mod > mod_since:
              # Modified, so send a normal response. We delete
              # the ranges, which causes us to skip to the 200
              # response.
              ranges = None

      if ranges:
        # Search for satisfiable ranges.
        satisfiable = 0
        for start, end in ranges:
          if start < self.getSize():
            satisfiable = 1

        if not satisfiable:
              'bytes */%d' % self.getSize())
          RESPONSE.setHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes')
          RESPONSE.setHeader('Last-Modified', rfc1123_date(self._data_mtime()))
          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', self.content_type)
          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', self.getSize())
          return True

        ranges = HTTPRangeSupport.expandRanges(ranges, self.getSize())

        if len(ranges) == 1:
          # Easy case, set extra header and return partial set.
          start, end = ranges[0]
          size = end - start

          RESPONSE.setHeader('Last-Modified', rfc1123_date(self._data_mtime()))
          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', self.content_type)
          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', size)
          RESPONSE.setHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes')
              'bytes %d-%d/%d' % (start, end - 1, self.getSize()))
          RESPONSE.setStatus(206) # Partial content

          # convert array to bytes
          data = array[:].view('<b').reshape((-1,))[start:end].tobytes()
          RESPONSE.setBody(data, lock=True)

          boundary = choose_boundary()

          # Calculate the content length
          size = (8 + len(boundary) + # End marker length
              len(ranges) * (         # Constant lenght per set
                  49 + len(boundary) + len(self.content_type) +
                  len('%d' % self.getSize())))
          for start, end in ranges:
            # Variable length per set
            size = (size + len('%d%d' % (start, end - 1)) +
                end - start)

          # Some clients implement an earlier draft of the spec, they
          # will only accept x-byteranges.
          draftprefix = (request_range is not None) and 'x-' or ''

          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', size)
          RESPONSE.setHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes')
          RESPONSE.setHeader('Last-Modified', rfc1123_date(self._data_mtime()))
              'multipart/%sbyteranges; boundary=%s' % (
                  draftprefix, boundary))
          RESPONSE.setStatus(206) # Partial content

          data = ''
          for start, end in ranges:
            data = '{data}\r\n--{boundary}\r\n'\
                   'Content-Type: {content_type}\r\n'\
                   'Content-Range: bytes {start:d}-{end:d}/{size:d}\r\n\r\n'\

          data = '{}\r\n--{}--\r\n'.format(data, boundary)
          RESPONSE.setBody(data, lock=True)
          return True