Commit ae45e8ac authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Code style + comments.

parent 4acd0517
Create Data Analyses objects based on Data Transformations.
Usually called periodically from respective ERP5 Alarm.
from DateTime import DateTime
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import AndQuery, OrQuery, Query
from Products.ERP5Type.Errors import UnsupportedWorkflowMethod
......@@ -36,6 +40,7 @@ for movement in portal_catalog(query = query):
data_supply_list = delivery.getSpecialiseValueList(portal_type="Data Supply")
composed_data_supply = data_supply.asComposedDocument()
# Get applicable transformation
transformation_list = []
for transformation in composed_data_supply.getSpecialiseValueList(portal_type="Data Transformation"):
......@@ -52,9 +57,7 @@ for movement in portal_catalog(query = query):
for transformation in transformation_list:
is_shared_data_analysis = False
data_analysis_id= "%s-%s-%s" % (today, delivery.getId(), transformation.getId())
# Check if analysis already exists
......@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ for movement in portal_catalog(query = query):
portal_type="Data Analysis",
specialise_relative_url = transformation.getRelativeUrl(),
causality_relative_url = delivery.getRelativeUrl())
# search again with ID in case data_analysis is not indexed yet
if data_analysis is None:
......@@ -132,15 +135,15 @@ for movement in portal_catalog(query = query):
portal_type="Data Ingestion Line",
resource_relative_url = resource.getRelativeUrl())
for related_movement in related_movement_list:
if "big_data/ingestion/batch" in related_movement.getUseList():
# create new item based on item_type if it is not already aggregated
aggregate_type_set = set(
[portal.restrictedTraverse(a).getPortalType() for a in aggregate_set])
for item_type in transformation_line.getAggregatedPortalTypeList():
# if item is not yet aggregated to this line, search it by related project
# and source If the item is a data configuration or a device configuration
......@@ -170,8 +173,8 @@ for movement in portal_catalog(query = query):
elif item_type != "Data Array Line":
elif item_type != "Data Array Line":
item_query_dict = dict(
......@@ -180,7 +183,6 @@ for movement in portal_catalog(query = query):
if data_analysis.getDestinationProjectValue() is not None:
item_query_dict["item_project_relative_url"] = data_analysis.getDestinationProject()
......@@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ for movement in portal_catalog(query = query):
causality_value = delivery,
specialise_value_list = data_supply_list)
# fix consistency of line and all affected items. Do it after reindexing
# activities of newly created Data Analysis Line finished, because check
# consistency script might need to find the newly created Data Analysis
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