Commit e05c5e7f authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

commit: test: Ues at0 instead of head to represent initial transaction ID

`head` name is a bit ambiguous because it might be perceived as
referring to currently latest transaction ID, but in that test it
referes to latest transaction ID when the test starts.

Rename it to at0 for clarity.

Just added test_zodbcommit_cmd already uses at0  to represent initial
transaction ID (and at1 + at2 to represent follow-up transaction IDs).

In general using atX naming somes from WCFS functional tests where it is
used widely - see e.g.
parent ccb85991
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def test_zodbcommit(zsrv, zext):
stor = storageFromURL(zsrv.zurl)
head = stor.lastTransaction()
at0 = stor.lastTransaction()
# commit some transactions via zodbcommit and verify if storage dump gives
# what is expected.
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def test_zodbcommit(zsrv, zext):
ObjectData(p64(1), b'data1', b('sha1'), sha1(b'data1')),
ObjectData(p64(2), b'data2', b('sha1'), sha1(b'data2'))])
t1.tid = zodbcommit(stor, head, t1)
t1.tid = zodbcommit(stor, at0, t1)
t2 = Transaction(z64, ' ', b'user2', b'desc2', b'', [
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def test_zodbcommit(zsrv, zext):
buf = BytesIO()
zodbdump(stor, p64(u64(head)+1), None, out=buf)
zodbdump(stor, p64(u64(at0)+1), None, out=buf)
dumped = buf.getvalue()
assert dumped == b''.join([_.zdump() for _ in (t1, t2)])
  • It seems commit message has typos:

    commit: test: UesUse at0 instead of head to represent initial transaction ID

    head name is a bit ambiguous because it might be perceived as referring to currently latest transaction ID, but in that test it referesrefers to latest transaction ID when the test starts

  • Thanks, all fixed in df9b1425.

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