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Commit 17e5aaf2 authored by Tomáš Peterka's avatar Tomáš Peterka Committed by Tomáš Peterka

[json_style] Cleanup to be more human friendly

parent 44dace24
......@@ -961,84 +961,52 @@ def calculateHateoas(is_portal=None, is_site_root=None, traversed_document=None,
elif mode == 'search':
# Portal catalog search
# Possible call arguments example:
# form_relative_url: portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSite_view/listbox
# list_method: objectValues (Script providing listing)
# default_param_json: <base64 encoded JSON> (Additional search params)
# query: <str> (term for fulltext search)
# select_list: ['int_index', 'id', 'title', ...] (column names to select)
# limit: [15, 16] (begin_index, num_records)
# local_roles: TODO
if REQUEST.other['method'] != "GET":
return ""
# hardcoded responses for site and portal objects (which are not Documents!)
if query == "__root__":
# XXX Hardcoded behaviour to get root object with jIO
sql_list = [site_root]
elif query == "__portal__":
# XXX Hardcoded behaviour to get portal object with jIO
sql_list = [portal]
# document = site_root
# document_result = {
# # '_relative_url': site_root.getRelativeUrl(),
# '_links': {
# 'self': {
# "href": default_document_uri_template % {
# "root_url": site_root.absolute_url(),
# "relative_url": document.getRelativeUrl(),
# "script_id":
# },
# },
# }
# }
# for select in select_list:
# document_result[select] = document.getProperty(select, d=None)
# result_dict['_embedded'] = {"contents": [document_result]}
# raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported query: %s" % query)
# # XXX
# length = len('/%s/' % portal.getId())
# # context.log(portal.portal_catalog(full_text=query, limit=limit, src__=1))
# context.log(query)
catalog_kw = {}
if (default_param_json is not None):
catalog_kw = byteify(json.loads(urlsafe_b64decode(default_param_json)))
catalog_kw = {
"local_roles": local_roles,
"limit": limit,
"sort_on": () # default is empty tuple
if default_param_json is not None:
if query:
catalog_kw["full_text"] = query
if sort_on is not None:
if isinstance(sort_on, list):
catalog_kw['sort_on'] = tuple((byteify(sort_col), byteify(sort_order))
for sort_col, sort_order in map(json.loads, sort_on))
sort_col, sort_order = json.loads(sort_on)
catalog_kw['sort_on'] = ((byteify(sort_col), byteify(sort_order)), )
if (list_method is None):
callable_list_method = portal.portal_catalog
callable_list_method = getattr(traversed_document, list_method)
tmp_sort_on = ()
if sort_on is not None:
if isinstance(sort_on, list):
for grain in sort_on:
tmp_sort_on += (tuple([x for x in byteify(json.loads(grain))]),)
#only one single criteria
tmp_sort_on = (tuple([x for x in byteify(json.loads(sort_on))]),)
sql_list = callable_list_method(**catalog_kw)
if query:
sql_list = callable_list_method(full_text=query, limit=limit, sort_on=tmp_sort_on, local_roles=local_roles, **catalog_kw)
sql_list = callable_list_method(limit=limit, sort_on=tmp_sort_on, local_roles=local_roles, **catalog_kw)
result_list = [] # returned "content" of the search
result_list = []
# if (select_list is None):
# # Only include links
# for sql_document in sql_list:
# document = sql_document.getObject()
# result_list.append({
# "href": default_document_uri_template % {
# "root_url": site_root.absolute_url(),
# "relative_url": document.getRelativeUrl(),
# "script_id":
# },
# })
# result_dict['_links']['contents'] = result_list
# else:
# Cast to list if only one element is provided
editable_field_dict = {}
if select_list is None:
......@@ -1066,7 +1034,6 @@ def calculateHateoas(is_portal=None, is_site_root=None, traversed_document=None,
document = sql_document
document_uid = sql_document.uid
document_result = {
# '_relative_url': sql_document.path[length:],
'_links': {
'self': {
"href": default_document_uri_template % {
......@@ -1092,10 +1059,9 @@ def calculateHateoas(is_portal=None, is_site_root=None, traversed_document=None,
tmp_value = getProtectedProperty(document, select)
property_value = renderField(traversed_document, editable_field_dict[select], form,
key='field_%s_%s' % (editable_field_dict[select].id,
property_value = renderField(
traversed_document, editable_field_dict[select], form, tmp_value,
key='field_%s_%s' % (editable_field_dict[select].id, document_uid))
REQUEST.other.pop('cell', None)
property_value = getProtectedProperty(document, select)
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