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Commit 667c91df authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

ZSQLCatalog: Make _reindexObjectList tolerate duplicate documents

When _reindexObjectList receives a document more than once (which may
happen when multiple different-tag indexation activities are spawned for
the same document), it would emit a meaningless error, saying that
document /foo/bar stole the uid of document /foo/bar.
Instead, fix duplicate tracking and skip such dulicates.

Also, simplify & make _reindexObjectList more robust:
- Always check path length.
- Allocate uids before looking for duplicates in catalog (it may not be
  actually needed at this level nowadays).
- Always check both uid-to-path and path-to-uid mappings.
- Reuse existing mappings to detect duplicates among objects being reindexed,
  removing the need for assigned_uid_dict.
- Avoid computing path more than once, as it's expensive.
parent 69aefdff
......@@ -1312,108 +1312,69 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
def _catalogObjectList(self, object_list, method_id_list=None,
disable_cache=0, check_uid=1, idxs=None):
"""This is the real method to catalog objects."""
LOG('SQLCatalog', TRACE, 'catalogging %d objects' % len(object_list))
if idxs not in (None, []):
LOG('ZSLQCatalog.SQLCatalog:catalogObjectList', WARNING,
'idxs is ignored in this function and is only provided to be compatible with CMFCatalogAware.reindexObject.')
if not self.getPortalObject().isIndexable():
path_uid_dict = {}
uid_path_dict = {}
if check_uid:
path_list = []
path_list_append = path_list.append
uid_list = []
uid_list_append = uid_list.append
for object in object_list:
path = object.getPath()
if path is not None:
uid = object.uid
if uid is not None:
path_uid_dict = self.getUidDictForPathList(path_list=path_list)
uid_path_dict = self.getPathDictForUidList(uid_list=uid_list)
# This dict will store uids and objects which are verified below.
# The purpose is to prevent multiple objects from having the same
# uid inside object_list.
assigned_uid_dict = {}
object_path_dict = {}
uid_list = []
uid_list_append = uid_list.append
for object in object_list:
if object in object_path_dict:
path = object.getPath()
if len(path) > MAX_PATH_LEN:
raise ValueError('path too long (%i): %r' % (len(path), path))
object_path_dict[object] = path
uid = aq_base(object).uid
except AttributeError:
uid = None
if uid is None or uid == 0:
object.uid = self.newUid()
except ConflictError:
raise RuntimeError, 'could not set missing uid for %r' % (object,)
elif check_uid:
if uid in assigned_uid_dict:
error_message = 'uid of %r is %r and ' \
'is already assigned to %s in catalog !!! This can be fatal.' % \
(object, uid, assigned_uid_dict[uid])
if not self.sql_catalog_raise_error_on_uid_check:
LOG("SQLCatalog.catalogObjectList", ERROR, error_message)
raise ValueError(error_message)
path = object.getPath()
index = path_uid_dict.get(path)
if index is not None:
if index < 0:
raise CatalogError, 'A negative uid %d is used for %s. Your catalog is broken. Recreate your catalog.' % (index, path)
if uid != index or isinstance(uid, int):
error_message = 'uid of %r changed from %r (property) to %r '\
'(catalog, by path) !!! This can be fatal' % (object, uid, index)
if not self.sql_catalog_raise_error_on_uid_check:
LOG("SQLCatalog.catalogObjectList", ERROR, error_message)
raise ValueError(error_message)
if uid in uid_path_dict:
catalog_path = uid_path_dict.get(uid)
catalog_path = self.getPathForUid(uid)
if catalog_path == 'deleted':
# Two possible cases:
# - Reindexed object's path changed (ie, it or at least one of its
# parents was renamed) but unindexObject was not called yet.
# Reindexing is harmelss: unindexObject and then an
# immediateReindexObject will be called.
# - Reindexed object was deleted by a concurrent transaction, which
# committed after we got our ZODB snapshot of this object.
# Reindexing is harmless: unindexObject will be called, and
# cannot be executed in parallel thanks to activity's
# serialisation_tag (so we cannot end up with a fantom object in
# catalog).
# So we index object.
# We could also not index it to save the time needed to index, but
# this would slow down all regular case to slightly improve an
# exceptional case.
elif catalog_path is not None:
# An uid conflict happened... Why?
# can be due to path length
if len(path) > MAX_PATH_LEN:
LOG('SQLCatalog', ERROR, 'path of object %r is too long for catalog. You should use a shorter path.' %(object,))
error_message = 'uid of %r is %r and ' \
'is already assigned to %s in catalog !!! This can be fatal.' \
% (object, uid, catalog_path)
if not self.sql_catalog_raise_error_on_uid_check:
LOG('SQLCatalog', ERROR, error_message)
raise ValueError(error_message)
uid = object.uid
assigned_uid_dict[uid] = object
object.uid = uid = self.newUid()
LOG('SQLCatalog', TRACE, 'catalogging %d objects' % len(object_path_dict))
if check_uid:
path_uid_dict = self.getUidDictForPathList(path_list=object_path_dict.values())
uid_path_dict = self.getPathDictForUidList(uid_list=uid_list)
for object, path in object_path_dict.iteritems():
uid = object.uid
if path_uid_dict.setdefault(path, uid) != uid:
error_message = 'path %r has uids %r (catalog) and %r (being indexed) ! This can break relations' % (
if self.sql_catalog_raise_error_on_uid_check:
raise ValueError(error_message)
LOG("SQLCatalog._catalogObjectList", ERROR, error_message)
catalog_path = uid_path_dict.setdefault(uid, path)
if catalog_path != path and catalog_path != 'deleted':
# Two possible cases if catalog_path == 'deleted':
# - Reindexed object's path changed (ie, it or at least one of its
# parents was renamed) but unindexObject was not called yet.
# Reindexing is harmelss: unindexObject and then an
# immediateReindexObject will be called.
# - Reindexed object was deleted by a concurrent transaction, which
# committed after we got our ZODB snapshot of this object.
# Reindexing is harmless: unindexObject will be called, and
# cannot be executed in parallel thanks to activity's
# serialisation_tag (so we cannot end up with a fantom object in
# catalog).
# So we index object.
# We could also not index it to save the time needed to index, but
# this would slow down all regular case to slightly improve an
# exceptional case.
error_message = 'uid %r is shared between %r (catalog) and %r (being indexed) ! This can break relations' % (
if self.sql_catalog_raise_error_on_uid_check:
raise ValueError(error_message)
LOG('SQLCatalog._catalogObjectList', ERROR, error_message)
if method_id_list is None:
method_id_list = self.getSqlCatalogObjectListList()
......@@ -1449,7 +1410,7 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
except KeyError:
if expression is None:
catalogged_object_list = object_list
catalogged_object_list = object_path_dict.keys()
text = expression.text
catalogged_object_list = catalogged_object_list_cache.get(text)
......@@ -1463,7 +1424,7 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
% (method_name, text), DeprecationWarning)
expression_cache_key_list = filter.get('expression_cache_key', ())
expression_result_cache = {}
for object in object_list:
for object in object_path_dict:
if expression_cache_key_list:
# Expressions are slow to evaluate because they are executed
# in restricted environment. So we try to save results of
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