Commit 18f76b5b authored by Mayoro Diagne's avatar Mayoro Diagne
Browse files

update apache version to 2.4.2

parent b57ae17a
......@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ md5sum = 52b31b33fb1aa16e65ddaefc76e41151
recipe = hexagonit.recipe.cmmi
depends =
version = 2.4.1
version = 2.4.2
revision = 1
url =${:version}.tar.bz2
md5sum = 7d3001c7a26b985d17caa367a868f11c
md5sum = 6bb12f726e22656f0ad2baf91f1f8329
configure-command = cp -ar ${apr:location}/apr-${apr:version} srclib/apr/; cp -ar ${apr-util:location}/apr-util-${apr-util:version} srclib/apr-util; ./configure
configure-options = --prefix=${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
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