Commit 04639363 authored by Nicolas Wavrant's avatar Nicolas Wavrant

erp5_web_renderjs_ui: allow to keep current page in history on redirect

parent 4a7c43e8
......@@ -102,8 +102,12 @@
// Change URL functions
function synchronousChangeState(hash) {
function synchronousChangeState(hash, push_history) {
if (push_history) {
window.location = hash;
} else {
// Prevent execution of all next asynchronous code
throw new RSVP.CancellationError('Redirecting to ' + hash);
......@@ -970,14 +974,14 @@
return hash;
.declareMethod('redirect', function (options) {
.declareMethod('redirect', function (options, push_history) {
this.props.form_content = options.form_content;
// XXX Should we make it a second method parameter
this.props.keep_message = true;
delete options.form_content;
return this.getCommandUrlFor(options)
.push(function (hash) {
return synchronousChangeState(hash);
return synchronousChangeState(hash, push_history);
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