• Vincent Pelletier's avatar
    erp5_core_test: Make testWorkflowHistoryList.TestDedup stable. · 3566c13f
    Vincent Pelletier authored
    The precise number of entries in a bucket depend on an estimation of the
    size of a pickle. The pickled data contains DateTime objects, making an
    equality test brittle:
    - DateTime's timezones are stored as strings (ex: 'GMT') whose length
      depend on Zope's timezone, which is variable
    - DateTime's time is stored as a floating-point value represented as a
      string whose length depends on the number of units and decimals are
      necessary to represent its value, both being variable (one based on when
      the test was run, the other based on clock precision and exact test
      execution timing)
    Instead, restore the originally-considered-acceptable boundary (24) and
    verify that the generated value is greater or equal to it.
    If 24 is considered too small to be acceptable, then it is a decision
    independent from the present change.
test.erp5.testWorkflowHistoryList.py 6.9 KB