• Georgios Dagkakis's avatar
    SelectionTool/Listbox: Fix in calculating the start of last page in selection · 405ee70e
    Georgios Dagkakis authored
    as the comment (which is removed now) said:
            XXX: This method is broken, since "total_size" field is not
            present in the listbox rendering any longer. It should be
    - make sure that Listbox always knows how many lines are to be displayed.
    - add testPagerWithCustomListMethod in listbox_zuite of erp5_ui_test,
    which checks that listbox jumping to previous/next/first/last works correctly
    for a list method that returns only the elements that the listbox is to render.
    /reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!776
Foo_viewDummyReturningOnlyWhatShownListBox.xml 4.47 KB