Commit b1f36ffd authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

core: fix pylint warnings

these ERP5 Python Scripts were not covered by coding style tests
parent 3304fe9b
......@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ if len(old_line_list) == 4 and len(new_line_list) == 1 and \
old_line_list[2] == '<tuple/>' and \
old_line_list[3] =='</tuple>' and \
old_line_list[1]== new_line_list[0]:
return True
return True
return False
if len(old_line_list) == 1 and len(new_line_list) == 1 and \
new_line_list[0] == old_line_list[0].replace("BTrees._OOBTree","BTrees.OOBTree"):
return True
return True
return False
......@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ new_group_list = new_line.split('"')
if len(new_group_list) != 5:
return False
before, portal_type, module, erp5_portal_type, after = new_group_list
before, _, module, erp5_portal_type, after = new_group_list
if before != '<global name=' or module != ' module=' or erp5_portal_type != 'erp5.portal_type' or after != '/>':
return False
old_group_list = old_line_list[0].split('"')
if len(old_group_list) == 5:
before2, ignore, module2, products_erp5type, after2 = old_group_list
before2, _, module2, products_erp5type, after2 = old_group_list
return before2 == before and module2 == module and products_erp5type.startswith("Products.ERP5Type.Document.") and after2 == after
return False
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