Commit 0b4a904a authored by Cédric Le Ninivin's avatar Cédric Le Ninivin Committed by Romain Courteaud

slapos_jio_api_style: Search instance with partition reference and compute node id

parent 36c2ca78
......@@ -105,6 +105,11 @@
"type": "string",\n
"description": "The Id of the compute node hosting the instance, example: COMP-1234"\n
"compute_partition_id": {\n
"title": "Compute Partition Id",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Id Of the Requesting Compute Partition, used by Slap Client when an instance is requesting an instance"\n
"root_instance_title": {\n
"title": "Root Instance Title",\n
"type": "string",\n
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ if portal_type == "Software Instance":
search_kw["title"] = data_dict["title"]
if "compute_node_id" in data_dict:
search_kw["aggregate_parent_reference"] = data_dict["compute_node_id"]
if "compute_partition_id" in data_dict:
search_kw["aggregate_reference"] = data_dict["compute_partition_id"]
if "root_instance_title" in data_dict:
search_kw["strict_specialise_title"] = data_dict["root_instance_title"]
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