Commit 147aa91b authored by Thomas Lechauve's avatar Thomas Lechauve

Can parse, serialize and deserialize an hashtag

parent 1bbc3909
......@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@
router: {
routes: {
list: [],
current: null,
add: function (route, level, callback, context) {
var r, keys, i;
if (typeof this.list[level] === 'undefined') {
this.list[level] = [];
var r = {
route = route.replace(/:\w+/g, '([^\/]+)');
r = {
'route': route,
'level': level,
'callback': function (params) {
......@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@, params);
i = this.list[level].length;
this.list[level][i] = r;
......@@ -29,14 +32,75 @@
cleanAll: function () {
this.list = this.list.slice(0, 0);
search: function (hash) {
var stop = false,
i = 0,
j = 0,
while ((stop === false) && (i < this.list.length)) {
while ((stop === false) && (j < this.list[i].length)) {
regex = new RegExp('^' + this.list[i][j].route + '$');
if (regex.test(hash.route)) {
result = regex.exec(hash.route);
stop = true;
//delete hash.route;
j += 1;
i += 1;
deserialize: function (params) {
var result = {},
params = params.split('&');
while (params.length) {
p = params.shift().split('=');
if (p[0] !== '') {
if (p.length === 2) {
result[p[0]] = p[1] === 'true' ? true : p[1];
} else {
result[p[0]] = true;
return result;
serialize: function (obj) {
return $.param(obj);
parseHash: function (hashTag) {
var re = new RegExp(/(?:^#([a-zA-Z0-9\/_-]+))(?:\?([A-Za-z0-9\/&=_-]+))?/g),
groups = re.exec(hashTag),
r, params = {};
// route
r = groups[0];
// params
if (groups[1] !== undefined) {
params = this.deserialize(groups[1]);
return params.length === 0 ? {'route': r} : $.extend({'route': r}, params);
hashHandler: function () {
var newHash = window.location.href.split('#')[1];
console.log('hash change to : ' + newHash);
var hashTag = window.location.href.split('#')[1],
hashInfo = this.parseHash(hashTag);
$(window).bind('hashchange', $.router.hashchangeHandler);
$(window).bind('load', $.router.hashchangeHandler);
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
<!-- Load local QUnit (grunt requires v1.0.0 or newer). -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../libs/qunit/qunit.css" media="screen">
<script src="../libs/qunit/qunit.js"></script>
<!--Load SinonJS-->
<script src="../libs/sinon/sinon-1.3.2.js"></script>
<script src="../libs/sinon/sinon-qunit-1.0.0.js"></script>
<!-- Load local lib and tests. -->
<script src="../src/jquery.urljs.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.urljs_test.js"></script>
$(function () {
module("routes list tests", {
module('routes list tests', {
setup: function () {
var url1 = "/url1",
url11 = "/url1/1",
url12 = "/url1/2",
url111 = "/url1/1/1",
url2 = "/url2";
var url1 = '/url1',
url11 = '/url1/1',
url12 = '/url1/2',
url111 = '/url1/1/1',
url2 = '/url2';
$.router.routes.add(url1, 0);
$.router.routes.add(url2, 0);
$.router.routes.add(url11, 1);
......@@ -13,27 +13,87 @@ $(function () {
$.router.routes.add(url111, 2);
teardown: function () {
test('add test', function () {
equal($.router.routes.list.length, 3, "should contains 3 levels");
equal($.router.routes.list[0].length, 2, "should contains 2 routes level 0");
equal($.router.routes.list[1].length, 2, "should contains 2 routes level 1");
equal($.router.routes.list[2].length, 1, "should contains 1 routes level 2");
test('add tests', function () {
equal($.router.routes.list.length, 3, 'should contains 3 levels');
equal($.router.routes.list[0].length, 2, 'should contains 2 routes level 0');
equal($.router.routes.list[1].length, 2, 'should contains 2 routes level 1');
equal($.router.routes.list[2].length, 1, 'should contains 1 routes level 2')
test('clean test', function () {
equal($.router.routes.list.length, 2, "should remove all routes level 2");
equal($.router.routes.list.length, 2, 'should remove all routes level 2');
equal($.router.routes.list.length, 1, "should remove all routes level 1");
equal($.router.routes.list.length, 1, 'should remove all routes level 1');
test('clean all test', function () {
equal($.router.routes.list.length, 0, "should remove all routes");
equal($.router.routes.list.length, 0, 'should remove all routes');
module('search tests', {
teardown: function () {
test('search test', function () {
var url1 = {'route': '#/new/path', 'param1': 'foo1', 'param2': 'foo2', 'filter': true},
url2 = {'route': '#/new/path/1', 'param1': 'foo1'},
spy1 = sinon.spy(),
spy2 = sinon.spy();
$.router.routes.add(url1.route, 0, spy1);
$.router.routes.add('#/new/path/:id', 1, spy2);
//delete url1.route;
//delete url2.route;
module('router methods tests', {
test('serialize tests', function () {
'param1': 'foo1',
'param2': 'foo2',
'filter': true
}), 'param1=foo1&param2=foo2&filter=true');
test('deserialize tests', function () {
'param1': 'foo1',
'param2': 'foo2',
'filter': true
}, $.router.deserialize('param1=foo1&param2=foo2&filter=true'));
test('parseHash tests', function () {
var response;
urls = {
'#/url1' : {'route': '/url1'},
'#/url2?param1=foo1&param2=foo2': {'route': '/url2', 'param1': 'foo1', 'param2': 'foo2'},
'#/url3?param1=foo1&param2=foo2&search': {'route': '/url3', 'param1': 'foo1', 'param2': 'foo2', 'search': true},
'#/url4?&': {'route': '/url4'},
'#/url5?param1=foo1&filter&row=4&redirect=/instance': {'route': '/url5', 'param1': 'foo1', 'filter': true, 'row': '4', 'redirect': '/instance'}
for (var url in urls) {
response = $.router.parseHash(url);
deepEqual(response, urls[url]);
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