Commit 700f6f7d authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐸

slapos_payzen: try to reduce cast error

parent e9907bf8
......@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ elif transaction_status in continue_transaction_id_list:
# Check authAmount and authDevise and if match, stop transaction
auth_amount = int(transaction_kw['transactionDetails']['cardDetails']['authorizationResponse']['amount'])
auth_devise = transaction_kw['transactionDetails']['cardDetails']['authorizationResponse']['currency']
transaction_amount = int((round(transaction.PaymentTransaction_getTotalPayablePrice(), 2) * -100))
# XXX use currency base_unit_quantity instead
transaction_amount = int((round(transaction.PaymentTransaction_getTotalPayablePrice() * -100, 0)))
if transaction_amount != auth_amount:
payzen_event.confirm(comment='Received amount (%r) does not match stored on transaction (%r)'% (auth_amount, transaction_amount))
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