- 29 Jan, 2024 40 commits
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
* fixup rebase * drop files moved to portal_skins
Romain Courteaud authored
* drop support request template preference * drop my_preferred_support_request_template * stop using getPreferredSupportRequestTemplate * drop Subscription Condition usage * break Base_getSupportRequestInProgress Use causality category instead of aggregate, to link the Ticket to the context document (instance, node, ...). Aggregate must be used to define the item of the movement resource. Break the parameters and use the context to define the causality value. * use causality to link the Ticket to the context document * XXX disable person.notify & person.requestSupport I don't get why there are 2 transitions for now. * drop ComputerNetwork_viewComputeNodeList * drop notify and requestSupport transitions They have been replaced by python script and alarms * test: person.notify has been dropped * drop slapos_crm_regularisation_request_template * Do not allow user to change the release/type/shared status * no need to use a tag if context is not reindexed * allow to force software change * speed up Base_reindexAndSenseAlarm execution * drop my_preferred_default_pre_payment_template * drop default_pre_payment_subscription_invoice_template * drop getPreferredAggregatedSubscriptionSaleTradeCondition * test: drop unused functions * drop preferred_aggregated_sale_trade_condition * drop preferred_aggregated_sale_trade_condition * test: drop reference to slapos_aggregated_trade_condition_v3 * test: drop test from dropped interaction * test: role is not required on a Person * test: do not invalidate instance to not unlink * test: create Trade Condition when Project is accountable * drop slapos_crm_web_message_template * drop my_preferred_web_message_template * drop template_pre_payment_subscription_sale_invoice_transaction * drop preferred_default_pre_payment_subscription_invoice_template * drop slapos_accounting_instance_delivery_line_template * drop slapos_aggregated_consumption_trade_condition * drop preferred_aggregated_consumption_sale_trade_condition * drop unused template * drop template_computer_model * drop template_hosting_subscription * drop template_software_installation * drop template_compute_node * drop template_instance_tree * drop template_software_instance * drop template_member * drop drop template_software_instance * drop template_software_instance * drop template_software_instance * add afterClone scripts * test: check remote node parameters propagation * try to create an upgrade decision for a remote instance * test: add checkRemoteInstanceUnallocation method * XXX stop invalidating Slave Instance TODO: Instance on Remote Node must propagate their destruction, before being invalidated * instance must be invalidated before unallocating it * drop not needed script * invalidate Slave Instance allocation on a Compute Node * trigger invalidation as soon as an Instance is destroyed * alarm must visit allocated Slave Instance to invalidate them * report software url of the linked instance, even if it is in destroyed_state / invalidated * test: slave are not directly invalidated as soon as it is destroyed * propagate remote node destruction * do not crash if no instance is found * ExactMatch * drop comments * keep compatibility with project_guid sla * allow to propagate a single instance * add subordination category on Remote Node * try to wait for previous alarms to finish before triggering a new one * priority 3 * do not call activeSense concurrently * prevent activeSense to be called concurrently * reduce number of activities * do not loop * drop preferred_cloud_contract_enabled * stop using hateoas web site * change the skin selection to register * test: create needed bank account
Romain Courteaud authored
otherwise, new categories are not installed
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
* test: slapos_panel_compatibility was added * test: create Trade Condition for Deposit * test: slapos_panel_compatibility skin selection * test: fixup trade condition specialise * configure 2 modules's business_application * do not allow user to see each others Do not allow personal information to be visible to anybody * allow Sale agent/manager to handle Assignments * test: assignments are automaticall created when creating a virtual master * test: fixup * drop organisation pages
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
* readd translation bt5 dependencies * configure trade_condition_type on the Sale Trade Condition
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
* dependencies
Romain Courteaud authored
* status gadget portal _type is provided by the python script * do not mess with cursor used by browser it only confuses users * do not display links without href * disable gadget status onLoop Instead of jio.get, the paramers must provide the url to query, otherwise, it is not possible to use this gadget in the full ERP5JS * reintroduce all stuff from slapos_jio_before_deletion my branch is not ready to drop everything
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
* project does not have status gadget anymore * use getPreferredHateoasUrl to generate the compute token improve consistency with slaptool (configure this value in 1 place only)
Romain Courteaud authored
onLoop must be fixed probably
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
* add dependencies * alphabetical order * restore Compute Node token creation and usage Token is now created from a Project * dependency to slapos_jio keep status gadget and the parameter gadget in their original bt5, to simplify rebase * add missing js dependencies for the json schema validator gadget
Romain Courteaud authored
* drop Compute Node Token previous implementation * erp5_web_renderjs_ui | RJS is managed by erp5_web_renderjs_ui bt5 * move most stuff to slapos_jio_before_deletion Keep slapos_jio minimal to simplify the rebase on the files to keep * keep status gadget * forgot to drop actions
Romain Courteaud authored
* test: Token creation is allowed to Production users * add One Time Virtual Master Access Token portal type Needed for compatibility with the compute node deploy script * add slaos_cloud_garbage_collect_one_time_virtual_master_access_token * trigger alarm once per day
Romain Courteaud authored
* sale people can view business process needed to validate Sale Trade Condition * allow Production user to create One Time Access Token * drop slapos_jio dependency
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
* test: allow to disable alarm when validation a allocation supply * test: drop reference to an outdated alarm
Romain Courteaud authored
* fixup rebase
Romain Courteaud authored
* update xml * fix InstanceTree_assertSuccessor tests * fixup slapos_free_compute_partition tests * more slapos_free_compute_partition tests * return todestroy status when instance tree is destroyed * fixup tests for slapos_garbage_collect_destroyed_root_tree * fixup slapos_update_compute_node_capacity_scope tests * fixup slapos_stop_collect_instance tests * fixup slapos_garbage_collect_non_allocated_root_tree tests * fixup slapos_cloud_invalidate_destroyed_instance tests * tests: prevent test to impact other tests * test: commit transaction before end of test * test: compatibility with _makeComplexComputeNode * test: fixup remote node creation
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
* drop accounting_list action This action hardcodes rapidspace organisation, and has a different logic from the new implementation * drop unused scripts * use the same hosting subscription periodicity per user Ensure all invoices for one user will be created at the same date. Ensure all users do not use the same periodicity, to NOT generated all system invoices on the same date. * do not encode url parameter in tales * allow to check if creating a subscription request is possible * update subscription history ifvalidation is rejected * do not generate discount if the price is 0 * set trade_condition_type on temporary Sale Order * do not set the software release as variation on the Open Order * update xml format * assert trade_condition_type are the same * update Subscription Request view * configure the Subscription Request like a Support Request. Customer as destination_decision * update constraint as categories were inversed on subscription request * fixup variable name * Subscription Request categories were inverted * invert source_project/destination_project * source/destination have been inverted * provice Associate worklist for submitted Subscription Request * drop Subscription Condition * drop ecommerce_dependency * drop Subscription Condition * drop unused SubscriptionRequest_verifyReservationPaymentTransaction * drop SubscriptionRequest_verifyPaymentBalanceIsReady * test: SubscriptionRequest_verifyInstanceIsAllocated was dropped * display Subscription Request's events * create an Event when the Subscription Request can not be validated * drop slapos_update_subscription_request_consistency_state alarm * drop slapos_subscription_request_process_ alarms * test slapos_subscription_request_validate_submitted * use souce_project to find the trade condition no need to trick source/destination project anymore, as trade_condition_type is used * reduce the precision of the discount price The idea is to reduce the risk of bad precision when building the related accounting transactions * drop unused scripts * drop proxy role * drop accounting_module/slapos_pre_payment_template * drop slapos_wechat_pre_payment_template * drop template_wechat_pre_payment_subscription_sale_invoice_transaction * drop template_pre_payment_subscription_sale_invoice_transaction * only try to create subscription request from validated instance/compute node * reduce frenquency of the subscription request creation alarm * test: validate items * only check automated ledger * reduce conflict on modules * allow to provide a default price while creating subscription request * fix getPrice usage * wait for the request indexaction before launching again the alarm * put the item reference in the open order title * set open order title * improve columns on subscription list * ensure no price is found if no accounting is expected * nearly revert ensure no price is found if no accounting is expected Do not care of Sale Supply price. But keep default_price if provided during the migration * skip looking for Sale Supply if not needed * provide more information in the log
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
* reduce some alarms frequency Interaction workflow are needed to speed up everything * add Base_reindexAndSenseAlarm * add interactions to speed up allocation Use Base_reindexAndSenseAlarm, to ensure object is reindexed, in order to be handled by the alarm * test: no need to manually call alarms Interaction workflow will trigger them * and fix wrong usage of Base_reindexAndSenseAlarm
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
slapos_accounting: * stop using fixConsistency to set hosting subscription periodicity Set it directly from the script which create it slapos_subscription_request: * do not set the stop_date on the open order * generate a discount on the first invoice If the open order does not start the same day, do not ask user to pay for those missing days * no need to call OpenSaleOrder_updatePeriod when creating the open order
Romain Courteaud authored
* test: create deposit payment to validate the subscription * test: update related document count
Romain Courteaud authored
* test: define currency on the organisation * test: scenario for money deposit * test: typo * test: apply tax amount only if the resource is taxable * allow shadow user to view Organisation * test: reduce number of alarm calls
Romain Courteaud authored
* cleanup request when instance is not subscribed yet * stop instance tree propagation on instance_slap_interface_workflow Some alarm call request directly on the Instance Tree (this is expected) * rename Service_getSubscriptionStatus to Item_getSubscriptionStatus
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored