1. 26 Jan, 2024 40 commits
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_erp5: · a3e6b575
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * drop slap_compute_node_revoke_certificate page
      * drop compute_node_request_certificate page
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_jio: · 26ccc0d5
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * drop slap_compute_node_revoke_certificate page
      * drop compute_node_request_certificate page
      * drop not implemented update_allocation_scope action on compute node
      * drop not implemented update_category action on compute node
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_panel: · adb58635
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * proxify the gadget fields
      * add compute node revoke certificate
      * add compute node request certificate action
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_panel: add Compute Node view · 08366f5d
      Romain Courteaud authored
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_jio: · 272ad1ac
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * drop slap_project_view page
      * drop slap_transfer_compute_node
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_panel: add project view · efd08644
      Romain Courteaud authored
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_jio: · a623d8ee
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * drop slap_project_list page
      * change status gadget to support parameter configured on the gadget field
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_panel: · 003642e6
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * add custom CSS, to reduce site confusion
      * drop unused code
      * add Project Module view
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_erp5: · 2a8b6784
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * production agent/manager can not create Software Instance
      *  drop slap_add_compute_node page
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_panel: · bdac45af
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * close erp5js as new panel
      * add WIP access page on panel
      * add an action to create a Compute Node from a Project
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_subscription_request: · c78c657b
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * Subscription COndition uses follow_up to link to the Project
      * add missing source_project base category on Subscription Request
        XXX Subscription Request must inherit this from ticket instead of defining all of this manually
      * Subscription COndition uses follow to link to Project
      * also add destination_project on Subscription Request to ensure constraint can be triggered
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_cloud: SlapOSVirtualMasterSourceProjectConstraint requires... · 9439e545
      Romain Courteaud authored
      slapos_cloud: SlapOSVirtualMasterSourceProjectConstraint requires source_project or destination_project
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_erp5: · 62c7a799
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * drop transfer from another Project
      * drop allocation_scope/open categories
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementDestinationSection
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementDestinationSection
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementDestinationProject
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementDestination
      * drop SoftwareInstance_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementSpecialiseDestinationProject
      * drop ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAssignmentDestinationClientOrganisation
      * switch event/ticket roles to virtual master security
      * drop Event_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementFollowUpAggregateComputeNodeDestinationSection
      * drop Event_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementFollowUpAggregateDestination
      * delete Event_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementFollowUpAggregateDestinationProject
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementAggregateDestinationProject
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementAggregateDestinationSection
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementAggregateDestination
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementAggregateComputeNodeDestinationSection
      * drop SoftwareInstance_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementSpecialiseDestination
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementLineAggregateDestinationProject
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementLineAggregateDestination
      * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementLineAggregateComputeNodeDestinationSection
      * provide access to Compute Node Manager on Upgrade Decision
      * delivery/movement must use source_project instead of follow_up
      * delivery/movement must use source_project instead of follow_up
      * drop query module security
      * drop Compute Partition roles
        It must be visible by all project members
      * instance of the project can access compute nodes
      * do not make Credit Card readable
      * drop data set security
      * only accountant can create/update Account
      * add function local_role_group
      * use function local_role_group on Account
      * use function local_role_group on account
      * only accountant can read/write accounting transactions.
        Ledger is used as write condition
      * accounting period are only readable/writable by accountant
      * accounting period are only readable/writable by accountant
      * provide access on compute node to project customer/production
      * give read access to project production
      * provide access to production on software installation
      * switch admin to production manager in tests
      * no need for group/role in assignment. Use parent function too
      * provide access to function/production on Instance Tree
      * provide access to instance for function/production users
      * provide access to function/production* on support request
      * provide access to function/production on event module
      * provide access to regularisation request to function/production
      * drop roles for DMS portal types
        It does not seem used.
      * provide read/write access to function/production to Computer Network
      * provide access to function/is to System Event
      * provide access to function/is on Assignment
      * provide access to person module
      * provide read only access to project/customer on software product
      * provide readonly access to project/customer on software release
      * test set server allocation_scope to open
      * provide readonly access for project/customer on accounting module
      * provide readonly access for project/customer on compute node module
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_subscription_request: · ab229f2e
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * automated ledger path
      * add ledger to the accounting template
      * only add a project assignment for the existing admin user
      * create normal user with the project customer assignment
      * update cdn subscription test
        project reference needed
      * add project for chinese subscription
      * project needed for scenario tests
      * all Subscription/Trial object must be linked to a Project
      * test: user need to be linked to a project
      * propagate source project
      * delivery/movement must use source_project instead of follow_up
      * set source_project on event
      * delivery/movement must use source_project instead of follow_up
      * use source_project instead of follow_up
      * use source_project instead of follow_up
      * test set server allocation_scope/open
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_crm: · 3017d0ab
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * add virtual master contraint to tickets and events portal types
      * propagate project from Regularisation Request to event
      * delivery/movement must use source_project instead of follow_up
      * set source_project on event
      * stop setting person as source_project
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_accounting: · 5659cbd5
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * add source_project constraint on all portal type requiring a ledger
      * set the source_project on the open sale order
      * propagate source_project in the simulation/builder
      * remove source_project constraint from the ledger property sheet
      * add SlapOSVirtualMasterSourceProjectConstraint on all accounting portal types
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_cloud: · 382d48e6
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * drop ComputerNetwork_getSoftwareReleaseAllocableState
        source_administration is not used anymore on Compute Node
      * source_administration is not used anymore on Compute Node
      * drop transfer from another Project
      * drop transfer from another Project
      * drop transfer from another Project
      * drop transfer from another Project
      * drop allocation_scope/open categories
      * drop allocation_scope/open categories
      * move test function to mixin
      * drop ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAssignmentDestinationClientOrganisation
      * add SlapOSVirtualMasterSourceProjectConstraint
      * force source_project accessors when using SlapOSVirtualMasterSourceProjectConstraint
      * use instance/computer project in the security mapping
      * test use production/manager to request compute node
      * allocation_scope/open/public and friend do not exist anymore
      * only allocate on allocation_scope/open
      * only allocate on allocation_scope/open
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_category: drop allocation_scope/open categories · eb37c063
      Romain Courteaud authored
      All compute nodes are public now
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_subscription_request: · 1fe054da
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * subscription scenario needs project now
      * project is needed when requesting an instance
      * hardcode automated ledger category for the newly created sale packing list
      * hardcode automated ledger category for the newly created accounting transactions
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_category: export edger category · cbb4b935
      Romain Courteaud authored
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      slapos_accounting: · 06801e83
      Romain Courteaud authored
      * add SlapOSLedgerConstraint
      * add SlapOSLedgerConstraint on all * Transaction
        XXX FOrces tests to fail as much as possible if ledger is not configured.
        Add test to ensure constraint is configured
      * hardcode automated ledger category for the newly created sale packing list
      * propagate ledger in the simulation tree
      * build ledger category from delivery builders
      * aggregate ledger from order builder
      * ensure ledger category is allowed on the portal type when using the constraint
      * requires ledger on Hosting Subscription, Open Sale Order and Sale Packing List
      * hardcode ledger value on Open Sale Order and Hosting Subscription
      * open order must propagate the ledger value
      * automated ledger path
      * add ledger to the accounting template
      * source_administration is not used anymore on Compute Node
      * source_administration is not used anymore on Compute Node