Commit 07086884 authored by Marco Mariani's avatar Marco Mariani

zimbra: started BACKUP.txt

parent 1bc1c505
This document explores backup and disaster recovery issues with Zimbra (Buildout Edition).
As we have not yet automated a backup solution, here we show some of the alternatives
and the possible tradeoffs.
Backup in the Network Edition
The commercial version of ZCS ships with automatically configured "on the fly"
weekly (full) and daily (incremental) backup, of all user and server data.
There is no need to shut down any service while the backup is performed.
Although most backup related commands are not provided in the Open Source Edition,
they may be referenced in blogs, forums or wiki of the Zimbra project.
The following commands are not available in OSE/BE:
Official documentiation is available at
To offer a similar experience for OSE users willing to pay, a company
named ZeXtras provides a commercial solution, see
Backup in the Open Source Edition
Over the years, many backup scripts and packages have been created by the community.
They basically need to be tailored to each context, and use one of two approaches:
full snapshot of /opt/zimbra (for disaster recovery), or data export user-by-user
(for restoring data after human error - either by users or admins).
Most of the backup scripts we have examined use hardcoded pathnames for
/opt/zimbra and need to be run as 'root' or 'zimbra' user. Therefore, the code
must be adapted in order to work with the Buildout Edition.
A full backup would contain at least:
- mail content: ./store (filesystem)
- mail metadata/indexes: ./db/data (mysql)
- user contacts, calendar: ./db/data (mysql)
- ldap database: ./data/ldap
- user passwords and settings: ldap
- authentication certificate/keys: filesystem + ldap
- mysql antispam: data/amavisd (mysql)
- ./conf/localconfig.xml
- other configuration settings (in subfolders and mysql)
- server ip address (mysql)
- logs (needed for forensic analysis)
A comprehensive list of the techniques is discussed in the Zimbra forum at
Disaster Recovery: Open Source Edition
Most backup tools in this group follow the pattern:
- live rsync of /opt/zimbra
- zmcontrol stop
- cold rsync of /opt/zimbra
- zmcontrol restart
- copy the backup offsite
The archived content of /opt/zimbra can later be restored on a similar server.
The new server must:
- have the same Linux distribution, version and architecture
- have the same hostname and FQDN in /etc/hosts
- have a matching 'zimbra' user with the same User ID as the one in the old server.
- have blocked/firewalled outgoing SMTP ports to avoid mail duplicates
Some of the scripts use LVM snapshot instead of rsync.
With rsync, additional care must be taken due to the presence of a huge (86GB) sparse
memory-mapped file used by OpenLDAP (see below).
The restore procedure relies on the fresh installation of .deb packages identical
to those installed in the old server, then replacing of the content in /opt/zimbra.
It is described by a blog post at
Even in case of cold backup with no LDAP service running, Zimbra developers strongly
recommend a text dump of the LDAP database to avoid corruption, see
Bacula is also a popular choice for off-site backup among Zimbra administrators.
List of backup scripts for disaster recovery:
Disaster Recovery: Buildout Edition
As with the Open Source Edition, we start with a full backup of $ZIMBRA_HOME.
The recovery procedure is almost the same, except we don't need to install the .deb
packages because everything is provided by buildout.
The new server must:
- have the same Linux distribution, version and architecture
- have the same $ZIMBRA_HOME path
- have the same hostname and FQDN in /etc/hosts
- have a matching 'slapuser#' user with the same name and UID as the one in the old server
- have blocked/firewalled outgoing SMTP ports to avoid mail duplicates
- buildout parts have been executed for slapos components (no need to build and deploy zimbra)
If the hostname has changed, it should be updated as described in
If only the IP has changed but the hostname is the same, no update is needed.
User backup: Open Source Edition
This high-level method allows a partial extraction of the data, generally
including email, contacts and calendar, but no user passwords, application
settings, antispam training or LDAP database.
The purpose is to be able to retrieve a whole account or specific messages that
may have been deleted by the users themselves or the admins. Doing the same on
a snapshot of /opt/zimbra would require installing a parallel instance and
restoring everything there.
This type of backup is done with a running system, and cannot be incremental:
all of the account data is exported every time, possibly creating huge zip files.
Data is downloaded and uploaded through a REST interface, the operation can be
quite slow and cpu/memory intensive for some accounts.
The backup tools in this group follow the pattern:
# backup
for each user:
zmmailbox -z -m getRestURL "//?fmt=zip" > /path/to/backup/
# restore
for each user:
zmmailbox -z -m postRestURL "//?fmt=zip&resolve=reset" /path/to/backup/
Accounts to restore must be created in advance.
User settings and passwords are stored in LDAP and can be managed with the zmprov command.
Each user account can be put in "maintenance mode" while running the necessary operation.
Login is disabled and incoming mail is queued by MTA:
$ zmprov ma zimbraAccountStatus maintenance
If for some reason an account is left in maintenance mode by the zmmailbox command, it can be reactivated:
$ zmprov ma zimbraAccountStatus active
List of backup scripts for user-by-user backup:
(obsolete, but explains metadata in mysql)
User backup: Buildout Edition
The same procedure applies in OSE and Buildout Edition.
Version upgrade: Open Source Edition
When a new version of Zimbra is released, it can be installed with:
- download from
- backup of /opt/zimbra (see disaster recovery)
- unpack the .tar.gz of the new version
- (which will run necessary data migration, configuration
and schema changes)
Moving to another server and upgrading Zimbra version cannot be done at
the same time. The application must be migrated to the new server,
then the new version can be installed.
Version upgrade: Buildout Edition
What type of backup is needed in the Buildout Edition?
- disaster recovery
- user error backup
- application upgrades (minor or major)
- security fixes
upstream (see application upgrades)
in slapos components
in zimbra components
sparse mdb file
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