Commit 0c39205f authored by Marco Mariani's avatar Marco Mariani

added INSTALL.txt, removed redundant comments, explicit 'source .bashrc'

parent 5e4449f7
Most of the official Zimbra docs still apply with this build, and the
administration scripts (zmcontrol and so on) work as described:
Whenever the Zimbra guide refers to /opt/zimbra, we will use the 'zbuild/home' directory
that is created by running buildout.
The following scripts do not work because it is not possible or does not make sense to run them as non-root:
- libexec/zmfixperms
- libexec/zmsyslogsetup
The following optional packages will be created by the build, but cannot be
installed because they have not been completely modified and tested for buildout:
- zimbra-apache
- zimbra-logger
- zimbra-memcached
- zimbra-proxy
- zimbra-snmp
- zimbra-spell
How to install Zimbra
- Install Ubuntu 12.04.x 64 bit server with at least 2GB RAM / 15 GB HD
- Install additional packages
# for slapos components
sudo apt-get install python gcc g++ make uml-utilities bridge-utils linux-headers-$(uname -r) patch wget \
python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
# for zimbra third party components
sudo apt-get install libcloog-ppl0 libncurses5-dev gcc-multilib
# misc
sudo apt-get install git libcap2-bin sysstat netcat
- The /etc/hosts file must be configured as required by Zimbra - something like localhost
# myserver myserver
Note that we commented/removed the line with This file is actually checked by the script
to retrieve the host and domain names.
- DNS must be set up according to Zimbra documentation ( has both A and MX records)
- The global limits for 'number of open files' must be increased from the default of 1024.
Many maintenance scripts call 'ulimit -n 32768' - therefore the following must be added
to /etc/security/limits.conf
----- cut here --------------------------------
* hard nofile 32768
* soft nofile 32768
----- cut here --------------------------------
After this change, reboot the system to make it effective.
- system logging must be configured in order to have server monitoring from the admin interface
The following must be uncommented in /etc/rsyslog.conf:
----- cut here ----------------
# provides UDP syslog reception
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
# provides TCP syslog reception
$ModLoad imtcp
$InputTCPServerRun 514
----- cut here ----------------
- set up authbind
sudo dpkg -i authbind_2.1.1_amd64.deb
sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/{80,110,143,443,\!993,\!995}
sudo chown `id -u`.`id -g` /etc/authbind/byport/{80,110,143,443,\!993,\!995}
sudo chmod 755 /etc/authbind/byport/{80,110,143,443,\!993,\!995}
Note that `id -u` and `id -g` are the user and group that will run Zimbra.
- Create the directory to contain zimbra build and clone the {slapos, zimbra} repositories.
$ mkdir zbuild; cd zbuild
$ git clone -b zimbra slapos
You can use a different name for the directory 'zbuild'.
From this point, we will refer to it as '/home/user/zbuild'
NB: the user that runs the build MUST be the same that will run Zimbra.
- create buildout.cfg
$ echo -e "[buildout]\nextends = slapos/software/zimbra/buildout.cfg\ndevelop = slapos\n" >buildout.cfg
In case of repeated builds (i.e. when debugging) you can improve performance by using a local
repository for zimbra:
$ git clone -b authbind zimbra
$ echo -e "[zimbra-sources]\nrepository = /home/user/zbuild/zimbra\n" >>buildout.cfg
- run buildout
You should find the following files:
$ ls parts/zimbra-sources/ZimbraBuild/amd64/*deb
XXX insert list of files here XXX
Be patient, and do NOT run buildout twice. If you do, the content
of parts/zimbra-sources will be removed, and that part will be built again.
You may backup the *.deb files to be sure you don't lose them by mistake.
- deploy zimbra
./bin/buildout install zimbra-deploy-all
If setcap is required (for ldap and postfix) a root password might be asked at this point.
- configure zimbra
Source the environment variables for SlapOS components
. /home/user/zbuild/
and the ones that refer to Zimbra components:
. /home/user/zbuild/home/.bashrc
Now you run the actual configuration script.
cd /home/user/zbuild/home/; ZIMBRA_INSTALLED_PKGS="zimbra-core zimbra-ldap zimbra-mta zimbra-store" ./libexec/
the last two lines are printed after you run 'buildout install zimbra-deploy-all'.
- using the configuration menu, set up an admin password and other options.
Refer to the official Zimbra documentation for this part of the setup.
After you type (a)pply, a lot of configuration files, certificates, and databases are created.
At the end of this process, the log is copied in home/log/zmsetup.*.txt
and the zimbra services are run.
- check that zimbra is running:
cd /home/user/zimbra-target/home/bin
./zmcontrol status
- Before running any of the maintenance commands in bin/ or libexec/,
the following files must be sourced by the shell:
. /home/user/zbuild/
. /home/user/zbuild/home/.bashrc
# XXX-Marco - Extra dependencies
# ------------------------------
# for libmemcached / opendkim:
# sudo apt-get install libcloog-ppl0
# for heimdal:
# sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
# for libjunixsocket:
# sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib
# Changes in the Zimbra sources:
# mysql will be compiled with the embedded yaSSL library instead of openssl
# XXX TODO: grep -R 'opt\\/zimbra' .
# grep -R '/usr/bin/procmail' .
# netcat, sysstat, syslog?
# rar, full 7z, not only 7za
# source before .bashrc ?
# zmlocalconfig postfix_alias_maps -- hash:/etc/aliases
# /etc/security/limits.conf:
# -------------------
# * hard nofile 32768
# * soft nofile 32768
# -------------------
# -------------------
# /etc/rsyslog.conf:
# # uncomment the following
# # provides UDP syslog reception
# $ModLoad imudp
# $UDPServerRun 514
# # provides TCP syslog reception
# $ModLoad imtcp
# $InputTCPServerRun 514
# -------------------
# sudo apt-get install authbind=2.1.1
# sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/{80,110,143,443,\!993,\!995}
# sudo chown `id -u`.`id -u` /etc/authbind/byport/{80,110,143,443,\!993,\!995}
# sudo chmod 755 /etc/authbind/byport/{80,110,143,443,\!993,\!995}
offline = false
extends =
......@@ -248,8 +201,6 @@ strip-top-level-dir = True
# checkout the zimbra and thirt party sources.
recipe =
#repository =
#repository = /home/marco/src/zimbra-5682
repository =
branch = authbind
develop = True
......@@ -381,7 +332,7 @@ install_cmd =
chmod 1777 data/tmp
mkdir backup ssl .ssh zmstat
echo . ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/.bashrc
echo source ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/.bashrc
......@@ -433,7 +384,7 @@ install_cmd =
# clear credential cache to spot commands in that would require sudo
sudo -k
echo . ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/.bashrc
echo source ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/.bashrc
......@@ -511,19 +462,11 @@ install_cmd =
# disable TLS for opendkim -> ldap connection
sed -i 's#LDAPUseTLS.*#LDAPUseTLS 0#g' ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/conf/
echo . ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/.bashrc
echo source ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/.bashrc
# ln -s home/postfix/conf/aliases /etc/aliases
# see also
# extract binaries and scripts from the .deb packages
......@@ -605,7 +548,7 @@ install_cmd =
# disable TLS for opendkim -> ldap connection
sed -i 's#LDAPUseTLS.*#LDAPUseTLS 0#g' ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/conf/
echo . ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/.bashrc
echo source ${:ZIMBRA_HOME}/.bashrc
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