Commit 2fcedb3d authored by Marco Mariani's avatar Marco Mariani

zimbra docs: started "what did we learn?"

parent 5202212f
......@@ -417,6 +417,147 @@ Other changes not described in the previous section:
What did we learn?
Overall, the Zimbra application suite has a clean architecture, and the build
system is not hard to modify/debug if a stable snapshot is used (which was not
the case at first). The only major improvement I would suggest to the upstream
maintainers is to make it easier to incrementally build third party packages,
instead of erasing everything every time, and building 24 applications and 80 perl
modules in a single shot.
Porting to buildout has however proven cumbersome and the correctness of all the
parts in the system is still unproven. A missing symlink to a certificate could make
opendkim ineffective, a missing archiver binary might render the antivirus system
unable to open many types of attachments, and so on.
Inside bash and perl scripts, many commands fail silently, or their stdout and
stderr is redirected to /dev/null and the status code is not checked.
This is still in the best case, when the failing command is in the script we want to run.
Sometimes the effects of a failing command can only be detected much later,
when running an application that runs with the default configuration instead of
the one created from the configuration templates, because there is a Java
daemon running a Jython script that should refresh them every few minutes, but runs
into busy loops because an environment variable was not properly set up (really
happened, took a while to fix).
So if we have a non-trivial application to bring into SlapOS tomorrow, how can
we better evaluate the complexity of the task?
The following are characteristics of a software project that are easy to verify,
and can raise early warnings.
- The use of Perforce or other cumbersome VCS
While I don't deny the quality of the tool when used every day, it is not
intuitive to most developers, not transparent (and very slow) to anonymous
read-only users, and makes it difficult to propose improvements upstream.
There are a few Zimbra mirrors on github and similar sites, but they all
are all one-way, outdated, only track some branches, or have collapsed commits.
Attemps to directly use a git-p4 bridge have been disappointing, both for
lack of familiarity and for the limitations of the anonymous access.
- Support for a limited number of platforms
Linux distributions supported by ZCS 8.0.4:
Ubuntu 10.04 (deprecated), 12.04
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Red Hat Enterprice / CentOS 6
Outside of this limited list, the build scripts *do* fail (i.e. on Ubuntu 13
or OpenSuse) and **there is no documented way** to deploy a production instance
without going through .deb or .rpm packages.
For Zimbra, there is code to detect the distro inside which is
a starting point, but more if..else ad-hoc code in spread all over the makefiles
and administration scripts - but we only get to test them when we think the
build has succeeded and deployed.
Have a look at ZimbraNative/Makefile. There is code to specifically target
OS/X 10.4 PowerPC, 10.5 i386, 10.6, 10.7 with different compiler flags, and yet OSX
is not officially supported. Which ones have been recently tested?
Generally - the bigger the system, the more limited the number of platforms it can
be reliably built with. Very often, it's not only a matter of missing phone
support, there are technical reasons. Or simply all the developers use Ubuntu, all
the customers use CentOS.
It is useful to manually build an application on several distributions,
old and new, before attempting a port to buildout. Identify where the constraints
are, and how they can be removed.
- Third party libraries and applications cannot be provided separately
Not only does Zimbra provide its own mysql/openldap/perl/etc applications as part
of the zimbra-core*.deb, zimbra-ldap*.deb and such packages, but they
are expected to be installed in /opt/zimbra and compiled with a given set of features.
If the official documentation stated that you need a working mysql instance somewhere,
and just provide authentication credentials while running, it would be much
easier to reuse the mysql/mariadb component from SlapOS.
- Several toolchains are employed
Make, cmake, GNU autoconf/autotools/libtool, ant, cpan.. all of them in the
same project may require a lot of searches for specific flags to provide in
obscure cases.
This is not a big issue if the build already targets several platforms, and
there are hooks to provide locations for the required dependencies.
Also watch out for ancient C software that is still using plain Makfile.
Case in point:
- The deployment step is complex, long or requires a lot of interaction.
Let's say you are building the FooBar application.
Hopefully, the build system can also deploy, and put a working application
in /opt/foobar.
If the build system creates .deb or .rpm packages, or .tar packages that need
to be installed as root, watch out for control scripts: start/stop wrappers,
daemon scripts and cron configuration files. Any functionality there might need
to be examined and rewritten for buildout.
Even if the build deploys directly in /opt/foobar, a later configuration step
might be more compex than it seems.
Zimbra requires to run - an interactive dynamic menu and sub-menu
application that is very easy to use - it's magic! - totalling about 12000
lines of perl and bash, with a complexity equivalent to 24000 lines of
Python code.
This configuration menu is the biggest red flag we have met so far.
- The application can auto-update itself, install plugins and extensions
Can the application update itself from the Internet? If so, any change we make to
the sources could be replaced by the new version. The new version may expect
things to be in /opt/foobar instead of /srv/slapgrid, or may rely on values in
/etc/ which can't be controlled in SlapOS, and so on.
Even for simple things like themes and plugins, try to download a few of them and
look for hardcoded pathnames, and bash/php/python code. Browser-side JavaScript
is usually harmless (see zimlets in Zimbra).
Don't overlook this point. If the application can be built, but the plugins
don't work, a customer could quickly lose interest.
- Installing the application changes /etc/sudoers
This might actually be useful to detect early which binaries and scripts will need to
be run as root, or as specific users. Try to find the reason behind this requirement
as soon as possible. Also see if setuid/setgid binaries have been installed.
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