Commit 9f4d1398 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Avoid reusing local for different purposes.

parent 736c2574
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ md5sum = c745d794b28cae64feba527f894d7340
< = download-base
filename =
md5sum = 6d0bdee21ac4837f07852b98b6fcea36
md5sum = 0462785ed2663c8e1eebd9cf1f7fd1cf
< = download-base
......@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ ipv6 = {{ ipv6 }}
{% for storage_family, export_list in storage_dict.items() -%}
{% set known_tid_storage_identifier_host = ((ipv4, next_port), ) -%}
{% set client_dict = {} -%}
{% for export_id, mount_point, cache_size, storage_dict in export_list -%}
{% do storage_dict.__setitem__('path', storage_dict.get('path', '%(zodb)s/' ~ export_id ~ '.fs') % {'zodb': default_zodb_path}) -%}
{% do client_dict.update(storage_dict.get('client', {})) -%}
{% for export_id, mount_point, cache_size, export_storage_dict in export_list -%}
{% do export_storage_dict.__setitem__('path', export_storage_dict.get('path', '%(zodb)s/' ~ export_id ~ '.fs') % {'zodb': default_zodb_path}) -%}
{% do client_dict.update(export_storage_dict.get('client', {})) -%}
{% do client_dict.__setitem__('storage', export_id) -%}
{# XXX: I would like to raise if export_id is present in zodb_dict -#}
{% do zodb_dict.__setitem__(export_id, [
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ ipv6 = {{ ipv6 }}
{% if tidstorage_dict != None -%}
{% do known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.__setitem__(
json_module.dumps((known_tid_storage_identifier_host, export_id)), (
tidstorage_dict.get('zodb-dict', {}).get(export_id, '%(backup)s/' ~ export_id) % {'backup': zodb_backup_path},
......@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ ipv6 = {{ ipv6 }}
base-name = zeo-{{ storage_family }}
port = {{ next_port }}
{% set storage_list = [] -%}
{% for storage_name, _, _, storage_dict in export_list -%}
{% do storage_list.append((storage_name, storage_dict['path'])) -%}
{% for storage_name, _, _, export_storage_dict in export_list -%}
{% do storage_list.append((storage_name, export_storage_dict['path'])) -%}
{% endfor -%}
storage = {{ dumps(storage_list) }}
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