• Vincent Pelletier's avatar
    erp5_oauth2_authorisation: Drop login retry URL double base64-encoding · 915b20c4
    Vincent Pelletier authored
    Fernet tokens are urlsafe-base64-encoded, so re-encoding them is
    This change breaks compabitility with what should be a transient login state
    (lasting as long as the login form is opened in any browser). So the
    consequence is that a user failing to authenticate will be redirected to a
    safe location (ex: the website's home page) instead of getting to the login
    form again.
    This should not be worth either a systematic double-decrypting (which could
    lead to harder to debug decryption errors) or some heuristic trying to
    guess if the value is in fact double-encoded.
document.erp5.OAuth2AuthorisationServerConnector.py 62.1 KB