Commit 152bbdfb authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

tests/runTestSuite: typos and minor cleanups

parent 233d8641
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse, sys, os, textwrap
......@@ -55,10 +54,11 @@ def main():
Running a full test suite on a development machine can be achieved with:
%(prog)s --node_quantity=3 --test_suite=ERP5 --xvfb_bin=/path/to/Xvfb --firefox_bin=/path/to/firefox
# Parameters included in wrappers generated by SlapOS ERP5 software release.
# To handle backward compatibity, we prefer that the generated wrapper pass
# To handle backward compatibility, we prefer that the generated wrapper pass
# these parameters as environment variables. This way, if SlapOS SR is more
# recent, the parameter will be ignored by ERP5.
slapos_wrapper_group = parser.add_argument_group(
......@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ def main():
slapos_wrapper_group.add_argument('--bt5_path', default=None)
help='A list of comma seperated host:port for ZServer.\n'
help='A list of comma separated host:port for ZServer.\n'
'Also taken from zserver_address_list environment variable.',
default=os.getenv('zserver_address_list', ''))
help='A list of comma seperated frontend URLs, one for each of zserver_address_list,'
help='A list of comma separated frontend URLs, one for each of zserver_address_list,'
'in the same order.\nAlso taken from zserver_frontend_url_list environment variable',
default=os.getenv('zserver_frontend_url_list', ''))
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