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Commit be8800b5 authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

subobjects of temp objects should now be temps objects

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 779a2fbb
......@@ -1848,6 +1848,13 @@ class Base( CopyContainer, PortalContent, ActiveObject, Historical, ERP5Property
return context.asContext(REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw)
def isTempObject(self):
Tells if an object is temporary or not
return self.reindexObject is self._temp_reindexObject
# Workflow Related Method
def getWorkflowStateItemList(self):
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
from Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile
from exceptions import AccessControl_Unauthorized
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo, getSecurityManager
from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_inner, aq_parent
......@@ -176,6 +177,26 @@ class ERP5TypeInformation( FactoryTypeInformation,
# Agent methods
def _getFactoryMethod(self, container, check_security=1):
if not self.product or not self.factory:
raise ValueError, ('Product factory for %s was undefined' %
p = container.manage_addProduct[self.product]
if hasattr(container, 'isTempObject') and container.isTempObject():
factory_name = self.factory
factory_name.replace('add', 'newTemp')
m = getattr(p, factory_name, None)g
m = getattr(p, self.factory, None)
if m is None:
raise ValueError, ('Product factory for %s was invalid' %
if not check_security:
return m
if getSecurityManager().validate(p, p, self.factory, m):
return m
raise AccessControl_Unauthorized( 'Cannot create %s' % self.getId() )
def constructInstance( self, container, id,
created_by_builder=0, *args, **kw ):
......@@ -189,7 +210,7 @@ class ERP5TypeInformation( FactoryTypeInformation,
ob = FactoryTypeInformation.constructInstance(
self, container, id, *args, **kw)
# Only try to assign roles to secutiry groups if some roles are defined
# Only try to assign roles to security groups if some roles are defined
# This is an optimisation to prevent defining local roles on subobjects
# which acquire their security definition from their parent
# The downside of this optimisation is that it is not possible to
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