Commit d45035a2 authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke
Browse files

This script will be used to generate a repository of business template every...

This script will be used to generate a repository of business template every night on Nexedi BT5 repository (
This script doesn't work now: it's a draft.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent ee58c272
# Where we want to store the source code from cvs
# Retrieve the version of the source code as anonymous user to be sure we get published code only
cd $CVS_PATH && cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@$REPOSIT:/cvsroot checkout erp5_bt
mkdir $CVS_PATH/bt5
# Remove CVS extra files
find $CVS_PATH/erp5_bt/* -name "CVS" | xargs rm -rf
# Get the list of Business Template
# BT5_LIST is the list of folder found in $CVS_PATH/erp5_bt
BT5_LIST=`ls $CVS_PATH/erp5_bt`
# Create one archive for each Business Template
cd $CVS_PATH/erp5_bt
for $BT5 in $BT5_LIST
cd $CVS_PATH/erp5_bt
tar zcvf $BT5.tgz $BT5
mv $CVS_PATH/erp5_bt/$BT5.tgz $CVS_PATH/bt5/$BT5.bt5
# Get the latest version of the genbt5list (the script that generate the index)
cd $CVS_PATH/bt5
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@$REPOSIT:/cvsroot checkout ERP5/bin/genbt5list
# Generate the repository index
python $CVS_PATH/bt5/genbt5list
rm -f genbt5list
# Publish the repository
mv -f $CVS_PATH/bt5/* /var/www/
# Clean up
rm -rf $CVS_PATH/*
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