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Automatic migration of actions from non-IActionProviders to portal_actions on Zope 2.12

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent bd69e3fc
......@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
import logging
import transaction
from Acquisition import aq_parent
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from Products.CMFCore.ActionsTool import ActionsTool
from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IActionProvider
......@@ -21,6 +27,36 @@ except ImportError:
from Products.CMFCore.ActionsTool import IActionProvider
IActionProvider_providedBy = IActionProvider.isImplementedBy
def migrateNonProviders(portal_actions):
portal_actions_path = '/'.join(portal_actions.getPhysicalPath())
root = portal_actions.getPhysicalRoot()
# Discard all changes so far, we'll restart the request later so no changes
# are lost.
txn = transaction.get()
portal_actions = root.unrestrictedTraverse(portal_actions_path)
portal = aq_parent(portal_actions)
action_providers = list(portal_actions.action_providers)
for provider_name in portal_actions.listActionProviders():
provider = getattr(portal, provider_name)
if ( getattr(provider, '_actions', ()) and
getattr(provider, 'listActionInfos', None) is None ):
msg = ('migrating actions from %r to %r' %
(portal_actions_path, '/'.join(provider.getPhysicalPath())))
portal_actions._actions += provider._actions
del provider._actions
portal_actions.action_providers = tuple(action_providers)
txn.note('Migrated actions from non IActionProviders to portal_actions')
# restart the transaction with actions already migrated
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
raise ConflictError('Action Migration Completed, please restart request.')
ActionsTool_listFilteredActionsFor = ActionsTool.listFilteredActionsFor
def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
......@@ -28,6 +64,13 @@ def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
This patch removes inclusion of actions from the object itself.
It was never used and now, it breaks objects inside Types Tool.
It also checks for a new ERP5-only actions API (getActionListFor), but
this API should be moved to listActionInfos() of each tool so as not to
create duplicate code paths that are sources of bugs.
Finally, this patch detects tools that are no longer action providers and
invokes the migration of their actions to portal_actions
actions = []
......@@ -42,9 +85,16 @@ def listFilteredActionsFor(self, object=None):
if action.test(ec))
elif IActionProvider_providedBy(provider):
actions.extend( provider.listActionInfos(object=object) )
elif getattr(provider, '_listActionInfos', None) is not None:
# BACK: drop this clause and the 'else' clause below when we
# drop CMF 1.5
# for Action Providers written for CMF versions before 1.5
actions.extend( self._listActionInfos(provider, object) )
# We're in 2.12 and we need to migrate objects that are no longer
# IActionProviders:
# Reorganize the actions by category.
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