will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit fda1cb94 authored by Yoshinori Okuji's avatar Yoshinori Okuji

Sales Packing List does not consider Containers in getTotalTargetQuantity.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 63d2f318
......@@ -173,7 +173,6 @@ class TestFusion(ERP5TypeTestCase):
user = uf.getUserById('seb').__of__(uf)
newSecurityManager(None, user)
def test_01_SanityCheck(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
# Test if the environment is not broken
if not run: return
......@@ -256,12 +255,11 @@ class TestFusion(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(c2.getPaymentTerm(), 90)
# Now fusion must succeed.
portal_simulation.mergeDeliveryList([d1, d2])
def setCell(self, line, category_list, **kw):
category_list = list(category_list)
LOG('setCell', 0, 'line = %s, line.contentValues() = %s, line.objectIds() = %s' % (repr(line), repr(line.contentValues()), repr(list(line.objectIds()))))
#LOG('setCell', 0, 'line = %s, line.contentValues() = %s, line.objectIds() = %s' % (repr(line), repr(line.contentValues()), repr(list(line.objectIds()))))
for cell in line.contentValues():
predicate_value_list = cell.getPredicateValueList()
......@@ -320,7 +318,7 @@ class TestFusion(ERP5TypeTestCase):
target_quantity = 5.0)
self.assertNotEqual(cell, None)
LOG('testFusion _makeDeliveries', 0, 'cell = %s, cell.getVariationCategoryList() = %s, cell.showDict() = %s' % (repr(cell), str(cell.getVariationCategoryList()), repr(cell.showDict())))
#LOG('testFusion _makeDeliveries', 0, 'cell = %s, cell.getVariationCategoryList() = %s, cell.showDict() = %s' % (repr(cell), str(cell.getVariationCategoryList()), repr(cell.showDict())))
d2 = module.newContent(id='2', portal_type=delivery_type)
d2_line1 = d2.newContent(id='1', portal_type=delivery_line_type,
......@@ -375,9 +373,9 @@ class TestFusion(ERP5TypeTestCase):
line2 = line
line3 = line
LOG('_checkDeliveries', 0, 'line1 = %s, line1.objectIds() = %s' % (repr(line1), repr(list(line1.objectIds()))))
LOG('_checkDeliveries', 0, 'line2 = %s, line2.objectIds() = %s' % (repr(line2), repr(list(line2.objectIds()))))
LOG('_checkDeliveries', 0, 'line3 = %s, line3.objectIds() = %s' % (repr(line3), repr(list(line3.objectIds()))))
#LOG('_checkDeliveries', 0, 'line1 = %s, line1.objectIds() = %s' % (repr(line1), repr(list(line1.objectIds()))))
#LOG('_checkDeliveries', 0, 'line2 = %s, line2.objectIds() = %s' % (repr(line2), repr(list(line2.objectIds()))))
#LOG('_checkDeliveries', 0, 'line3 = %s, line3.objectIds() = %s' % (repr(line3), repr(list(line3.objectIds()))))
self.assertNotEqual(line1, None)
self.assertAlmostEqual(line1.getTotalQuantity(), 1.0 + 2.0)
self.assertAlmostEqual(line1.getTotalPrice(), 2.0 * 1.0 + 7.0 * 2.0)
......@@ -421,7 +419,6 @@ class TestFusion(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self._checkDeliveries(module['3'], module['1'], module['2'])
def test_03_SalesOrders(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
# Test mergeDeliveryList with Sales Orders
module = self.getSalesOrderModule()
......@@ -457,10 +454,10 @@ class TestFusion(ERP5TypeTestCase):
module = self.getProductionReportModule()
self._testDeliveries(module, 'Production Report', 'Production Report Component', quiet=quiet, run=run)
def test_11_Containers(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
# Test Containers with Sales Packing Lists.
module = self.getComposantModule()
self.assertNotEqual(module, None)
composant = module.newContent(id='CAame', portal_type='Composant',
type_composant = 'Carton')
variante = composant.newContent(id='A', portal_type='Variante Composant',
......@@ -472,7 +469,6 @@ class TestFusion(ERP5TypeTestCase):
base_price = None,
base_weight = None)
LOG('test_11_Containers', 0, 'composant = %s, composant.showDict() = %s, variante = %s, variante.showDict() = %s' % (repr(composant), repr(composant.showDict()), repr(variante), repr(variante.showDict())))
module = self.getSalesPackingListModule()
for id in ('1', '2'):
if module.hasContent(id):
......@@ -494,13 +490,17 @@ class TestFusion(ERP5TypeTestCase):
('taille/adulte/42', 'coloris/modele/060E404/Violet_rose'),
target_quantity = 53.0)
self.assertNotEqual(cell, None)
self.assertAlmostEqual(cell.getTargetQuantity(), 53.0)
self.assertAlmostEqual(d.getTargetTotalQuantity(), 53.0)
#LOG('test_11_Containers', 0, 'id = %s, d = %s, d.contentValues() = %s, d.objectIds() = %s, c = %s, c.contentValues() = %s, c.objectIds() = %s' % (repr(id), repr(d), repr(d.contentValues()), repr(d.objectIds()), repr(c), repr(c.contentValues()), repr(c.objectIds())))
self.assertAlmostEqual(c.getTargetTotalQuantity(), 53.0)
portal_simulation = self.getSimulationTool()
d = portal_simulation.mergeDeliveryList([module['1'], module['2']])
self.assertEqual(len(d.objectIds()), 2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(d.getTargetTotalQuantity(), 53.0 * 2)
self.assertEqual(d.getTargetTotalQuantity(), None)
for c in d.contentValues():
self.assertAlmostEqual(c.getTargetTotalQuantity(), 53.0)
def test_12_SaleInvoiceTransactions(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
# Test Sale Invoice Transacations.
......@@ -570,12 +570,11 @@ class TestFusion(ERP5TypeTestCase):
portal_simulation = self.getSimulationTool()
d = portal_simulation.mergeDeliveryList([i1, i2])
LOG('test_12_SaleInvoiceTransactions', 0, 'd.getUid() = %s' % repr(d.getUid()))
#LOG('test_12_SaleInvoiceTransactions', 0, 'd.getUid() = %s' % repr(d.getUid()))
self.assertEqual(len(d.objectIds()), 3)
self.assertAlmostEqual(d.getTotalPrice(), 52.8 * 2.0 + 32.8 * 2.0 + 67.0 * (1.0 + 1.0 + 2.0 + 3.0))
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